Difference Between HPV and Herpes

HPV vs Herpes

Even with safe sex there still is a probability of still getting sexual diseases and infections. Only a small percentage of ‘safe sex’ is still not that safe. Using condoms and other contraceptives are still very useful to keep your genitals free from viruses, diseases, and other infections.

The most common sexually transmitted infection is the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV among the youth who are sexually active (in a global setting). On the other hand, herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. Around one million people get the disease each year in the United States.

It is important to know the differences between the two so that you can avoid them, or you can determine whether you have them and have them treated right away.

HPV comes in 70 different forms. These forms come in shape as genital warts, anal warts, cervical cancer, penis cancer, miscarriages, and many more. This virus feeds on the wet parts of the skin of a human body: the mouth, the anus, and especially in the genital area. HPV is transferred through direct skin-to-skin contact activities such as sex, oral sex, and kissing. For example, if you have open wounds and have direct contact with someone who has genital warts, the virus could be directly transferred into your body. Once the HPV virion invades your cells, it would take at least several months to a year before it can be clinically detected. A normal infection could last for a year or two. However, in 15 to 20 years, about 5% to 10% of affected women develop precancerous lesions of the cervix which ultimately leads to cervical cancer. The good news is HPV can be prevented. There are two vaccines available to prevent getting infected with the virus. These vaccines are Gardasil and Cervarix.

Herpes on the other hand comes in two forms: the genital herpes and the oral herpes. The oral herpes is the most common form of herpes which a person could get from being infected by herpes simplex virus. The symptoms include cold sores or fever blisters. The genital herpes is also an infection from the herpes simplex virus and includes symptoms of keratitis, encephalitis, Mollaret’s meningitis, and Bell’s palsy. Herpes is transmitted through direct contact of the broken skin with an infected individual’s skin. It looks like a blister that lasts for 2 to 21 days. Genital herpes is often asymptomatic, meaning it can be carried without a symptom. After the infection, the virus resides inside the body forever as it travels inside the sensory nerves and transported through the axon towards the nerve terminals of the skin. A person who is infected by herpes constantly suffers episodes and may still be contagious to others. There is no known cure for the disease. But it can be prevented with barriers such as condoms. The vaccines for herpes are still being clinically tested.

To be able to avoid these diseases and all the hassles and troubles they carry, abstinence is the best thing to do.



HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection among youth who are sexually active (in a global setting) while herpes is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States.

HPV has warts for symptoms and herpes has sores or blisters for symptoms.

HPV just disappears in time if you have a strong immune system while Herpes will remain until you pass it on to your next sexual partner.

HPV has 70 forms while herpes has 2 forms.

The vaccines for HPV are already available while that of herpes are still being clinically tested.