Difference Between African bee and Honeybee

African bee vs Honeybee

African bee and honeybee are very similar in nature and almost share the same features and behaviour. Though African bee and honeybee are similar in many respects, there are slight differences between them.

African bee, which is also called as ‘killer bee’ is a native of southern and central Africa. Honey bees. Honey bees are the only extant members of Apini tribe and they are mainly seen in South East Asia and South Asia.

One of the mian difference that can be noticed between African bee and honeybee is in their response when disturbed. African bees are known to respond very quickly when their hive is disturbed. Even the slightest provocation is enough for the African bee to sting. Though honeybees also sting when provoked, the African bee attack in large numbers than the honeybees. Unlike the honeybees, the African bees are known to protect their nest more fiercely.

When comparing the size of the bees, the honeybee is slightly bigger than the African bee. Though the sting of an African bee is not that venomous as that of the honeybee, it is that the African bees could sting in large numbers.

It has also been seen that African bees produce more offspring than the honeybees. In case of threat from any predator or in case of any adverse conditions, the honeybees would leave the hive and seek another place whereas the African bee do not leave their nest under any conditions.

Unlike the honeybees, the African bees are known to swarm more times in a year. The African bees are also known to fly very far distances than honeybees.

Another difference that can be seen is in the development of these bees. Unlike the honeybees, the African bees develop to adult hood in a very short period.

The honeybees are known to fill their combs with more honey whereas African bees fill the combs with more broods.


1. African bees are known to respond very quickly when their hive is disturbed. Even the slightest provocation is enough for the African bee to sting.

2. Unlike the honeybees, the African bees are known to protect their nest more fiercely.

3. African bees produce more offspring than the honeybees.

4. In case of threat from any predator or in case of any adverse conditions, the honeybees would leave the hive and seek another place whereas the African bee do not leave their nest under any conditions.