Difference Between Cilantro and Coriander

Cilantro vs Coriander

Cilantro, which is also known as coriander, is an herb that is used in Asia, Middle East, and Latin America. Cilantro and coriander are the same things and there is hardly any difference between them. Cilantro and coriander, which are used the world over have different names in different countries. When people in Latin America prefer to say cilantro, the people in South East Asia and the Middle East prefer to say coriander.

Though cilantro and coriander are same, these are considered to be different in some parts of the world. In the States, cilantro and coriander are considered to be different. In the States, cilantro is referred as the leaves of the plant and coriander as seeds. The seeds and stalks of this culinary herb are used in a wide variety of foods and often with spices and chilies.

One can see that there is much difference between the seeds and leaves. While the leaves have a pungent smell and taste, the seeds have spicy and lemony aroma. The leaves are highly used in seasoned foods. Unlike the other parts of the world, the leaves are not that much accepted in Europe.

While cilantro can be referred to the herb itself, coriander can be referred to the seeds. Coriander may also refer to the dried product whereas cilantro is often referred to the fresh form.

Cilantro, which are said be branching leaves, are like the leaves of fennel, carrots and parsley. The ground coriander got from the markets is actually seed of the herb and not the leaves. The seeds are widely used in herbal remedies and supplements.

Coriander has been derived from Latin Coriandrum sativum whereas “cilantro” is known to be its Spanish translation.


1. Cilantro and coriander, which are the same thing, have different names in different countries in different names. When people in Latin America prefer to say cilantro, the people in South East Asia and the Middle East prefer to say coriander.

2. In the States, cilantro and coriander are considered to be different. Cilantro is referred as leaves of the plant and coriander as seeds.

3. While the leaves have a pungent smell and taste, the seeds have spicy and lemony aroma.

4. While cilantro can be referred to the herb itself, coriander can be referred to the seeds.

5. Coriander may also refer to the dried product whereas cilantro is often referred to the fresh form.