Difference Between Epidemiology and Etiology

Epidemiology vs. Etiology

Epidemiology and etiology are terms used in medical parlance. One usually encounters case studies that start with, “Epidemiology and etiology of X disease.” The way the title is constructed gives one the impression that epidemiology and etiology are different from one another. However, people sometimes interchange these two terms, falsely assuming that they have the same meaning. Aside from sounding similar, their almost-synonymous usage in medical parlance fools people into thinking one can be substituted for the other; however, this is not the case.

In order to effectively differentiate epidemiology from etiology, it’s important to come up with a working definition of each term. The improper substitution of one term for another may lead people to distrust a particular source. Epidemiology relies heavily on scientific methodology to isolate factors that affect the prevalence of diseases in a certain area. Once experts of epidemiology identify these factors, they can estimate the risks a certain population faces due to that particular disease. As the popular saying goes, prevention is better than cure. By identifying the disease and how it can possibly spread from person to person, epidemiologists can prevent the widespread outbreak of diseases, cure possible epidemics, and most importantly, minimize casualties.

Epidemiologists utilize the scientific method through observation, experimentation, description, and analysis to pinpoint the cause of diseases and implement preventive measures. Etiology is similar to epidemiology in that it also deals with cause and effect. While epidemiology is used exclusively in the field of medicine, etiology can refer to the roots of a family tree, the story behind a name, or the history behind a place. Etiology is often utilized to explain how certain words in the English language were derived from Greek or Latin equivalents or how certain events led to the naming of places and structures. When used in medical parlance, etiology refers to the origins of a certain disease. When people ask how a certain disease occurs, when it was discovered, and who gave it its present name, they are referring to the etiology of that disease. Thus, even though epidemiology and etiology may seem the same, they are only closely related because they both deal with the nature of diseases.

Epidemiology deals with a more in-depth study of diseases, since it also tackles the progression of a disease, known or unknown, upon a certain area, along with its associated risk factors. Etiology, on the other hand, attempts to explain the origins of a certain disease, as well as other relevant historical or scientific data. Epidemiologists use the scientific method to deal with new, unidentified diseases, while etiologists explain the nature of known diseases and how they can be prevented. Another difference between the two is that while etiology is content to expound on origin, cause, and effect, epidemiology is an ongoing study that keeps known diseases in check while keeping a lookout for new, unidentified threats to human wellbeing. In effect, epidemiology has a greater scope than etiology, since it deals with both determinants and distribution of disease, while etiology deals only with determinants.


  1. Epidemiology is the in-depth study of both known and unknown diseases, their risk factors, and how they may affect a certain area. The scientific method of observation, experimentation, and analysis is utilized by epidemiologists to isolate a particular disease and research a cure for it.
  2. Etiology can be used outside of medical parlance; it deals with the origin, cause, and effect of different phenomena. Etiology may refer to family trees, myths, and other sources to explain the their occurrence. In medical parlance, etiology refers to the origin and cure of a certain disease.
  3. Epidemiology has a greater scope than etiology, as it is an ongoing process. Epidemiology involves the study of both determinants and distribution of disease, while etiology only attempts to expound on the determinants.