Difference Between Variable Costing and Full Costing

Variable costing vs full costing

There are times when a business activity needs changes while it is still ongoing to enable the company to still hit its goals. Sometimes, the changes are still being proposed and ideas are still being brainstormed in meetings. These changes are important because things may not go well in a business venture. Plan B’s are very important to still hit the quota of the amount of income being goaled. In the course of activity of any given business, the expenses that are based upon how the business is going are called variable costs. When the ideas and other proposed alternatives in a necessary decision is being collected and presented, this process is called full cost accounting.

Understanding how variable costs work can help you in handling your business properly. This is why knowing the deeper definition of variable costs can be very profitable. These costs are the expenses that are in proportion with the businesses activities. Whatever changes that happen to the business, affect the variable costs. The total of the marginal cost over all the units produced in a company is the variable cost. An example of this cost is when a manufacturing company increases its productions, buying raw material will also increase, and buying raw materials will decrease if otherwise. Buying means expenses. There is no need for the interventions of managerial authority in the expenses needed because it is somehow given that if production increases the expense for raw material increases too, and decreases if otherwise. The expenses in the raw materials are called variable costs. Other expenses that can be considered variable costs are the electricity, the maintenance fee, and other electrical equipment. The more activities a company has, the more production it can create, and however, this also means the more expenses or variable costs are needed. Salary for the employees of the company may also be considered as variable costs.

The collecting of data and presentation of proposals about the business in the company is called Full Cost accounting. This is where the information on the environmental, economic, social cost, benefits and advantages of a certain decision is being collected and presented. The cost, benefits and advantages being presented are known as the ‘triple bottom line.’ The International Organization for Standardizations created standards on how the Full Cost Accounting be utilized in order to maintain and improve environmental concerns.

These are some of the main differences of the variable costing and full costing. The variable costing is the expense, while the full costing is the proposition. They are both used to make business matters successful.



The full costing is the collecting of data and presentation of propositions for the business, while the variable costs are the expenses in the company for its activities and productions.

Full costing is somehow related to the environmental issues, variable costing is more of the expenses of the company.