Difference Between Neurotransmitter and Endorphin

Neurotransmitter vs. Endorphin

There are some chemicals that are present in the human brain that allow an impulse to pass through a nerve cell to another. These are called neurotransmitters. An example of a neurotransmitter is Serotonin. This helps in transmitting nerve impulses through various neurons or even through neurons and muscles.

The axon endings of motor neurons contain neurotransmitters. Here, they stimulate the muscle fibers. These pituitary and adrenal glands produce the neurotransmitters. The impulse goes from the first nerve cell through the axon. Then it travels to the axon terminal and the synaptic knobs. Each of these synaptic knobs is in tune with a cell body of another specific neuron. The synaptic knobs also contain neurovesicles that release neurotransmitters in it. Endorphin is a neurochemical. Endorphin contains two parts – endo and orphan. Endo and orphan stand for the words endogenous and morphine. The term endorphin indicates a substance that is similar to morphine and that originates within the body.

Endorphin is released by the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus in vertebrates. When an impulse hits the spinal cord, the body produces endorphins which in turn prevent the release of more signals causing pain. Extreme stress, excitement, exercise, or even intake of spicy food cause this production. Endorphins are similar to opiates because they produce analgesia. This creates a pain-free, relaxed and relieving situation. In other words, endorphins act as genuine pain removers and they help in bearing the pain for an extended period.

It is interesting to note that the word endorphin rush is generally used in the context of exhilaration. This could be related to stress, or pain as mentioned above. The movement of molecules is redirected to the receptor sites seen on the post synaptic membrane after the neurotransmitters are released. The study of the actions of neurotransmitters most often lead to finding important information related to various conditions of mental disorders and other ailments.

Endorphin denotes a pharmacological activity. This activity corresponds to the activities that are performed by the corticosteroid biochemicals, in contrary to a peculiar chemical formulation.

Endorphin is structured similar to the opioid such as opium, heroin etc. Another fact is that endorphin also performs similar functions. The opioid medicines work on the human body by attaching themselves to the receptor sites of endorphin. Endorphin is also perceived as a neurotransmitter that allows animals like bears to hibernate. In these cases, it slows down the general metabolism which results in hibernation.

1. Neurotransmitters are released in the brain and they allow an impulse to pass from one nerve cell to another. Endorphin is a neurochemical.
2. Pituitary and adrenal glands produce neurotransmitters. Endorphin is generated by the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus in vertebrates.
3. Neurotransmitters allow the nerve impulse to travel from the first nerve cell through the axon and then to the axon terminal and the synaptic knobs. When an impulse hits the spinal cord, the body produces endorphins which in turn prevent the release of more signals causing pain.
4. Endorphins provide relief from pain in contrary to neurotransmitters.
5. The study of the actions of neurotransmitters often lead to important information related to various conditions of mental disorders and other ailments. Endorphin denotes a pharmacological activity contrary to a peculiar chemical formulation.
6. In Neurotransmitters, the movement of molecules is redirected to receptor sites seen on the postsynaptic membrane whereas an endorphin contains a morphine-like substance originating within the body.