Difference Between Affiliate Marketing and Digital Marketing

Technological advancement cum the internet has created a broad range of products, services, avenues and interaction models that connect the world. With the availability of digital avenues not to mention the ease of accessibility, brands can easily interact and communicate with the consumers. Thousands of jobs that were unavailable before the internet age have also opened up. 

Marketing has especially switched from traditional methods such as newspapers, door to door marketing, radio and billboards to more advanced methods such as the use of digital tools to reach consumers. While these raise awareness on products and services, they also provide a source of income to millions across the globe. In this article, we will discuss the difference between affiliate marketing and digital marketing. 

What is Affiliate Marketing?

This is a marketing method that involves earning money through advertising or promoting products and services whereby a payment is made once the consumer makes a purchase. It involves the product, the affiliate marketer, channels used and the consumer. 

Usually, affiliate marketers get a link from the brand promoting the products and services. A commission is hence paid when a consumer purchases via that link. 

Benefits of affiliate marketing include;

  • It is performance based. Brand hence only pay for leads that have converted into a sale. 
  • Helps in increasing a brand’s visibility
  • Can be used to target specific consumers
  • Easy to measure through views of a site or click through rates

What is Digital Marketing?

This is the use of online channels to market products and services. It involves many channels and platforms including but not limited to Facebook, emails, Instagram, search engines such as google, mobile apps. 

Digital marketing encompasses social media marketing, marketing automation, content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, inbound marketing, pay per click and affiliate marketing, just to name a few. 

Benefits of digital marketing includes;

  • It is cost effective compared to other marketing channels such as television ads
  • Offers brands quicker publicity as it has a wider reach
  • Easy to measure the outcomes of advertisement or campaigns 

Similarities between Affiliate marketing and Digital marketing

  • Both provide marketing avenues via digital platforms

Differences between Affiliate marketing and Digital marketing


Affiliate marketing refers to a marketing method that involves earning money through advertising or promoting products and services whereby a payment is made once the consumer makes a purchase. On the other hand, digital marketing refers to the use of online avenues such as social media marketing, marketing automation, content marketing, search engine optimization and email marketing to market products and services. 


While the agents involved in affiliate marketing include product, the affiliate marketer, channels used and the consumer, agents involved in digital marking include the product, digital channel and the consumer. 


While affiliate marketing leverages experts, celebrities and though-leaders to promote products and services in exchange for a commission on sales made, digital marketing is handled by digital agencies, brand owners or companies’ staff. 

Affiliate marketing vs. Digital marketing: Comparison Table

Summary of Affiliate marketing vs. Digital marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to a marketing method that involves earning money through advertising or promoting products and services whereby a payment is made once the consumer makes a purchase. On the other hand, digital marketing refers to the use of online avenues such as social media marketing, marketing automation, content marketing, search engine optimization and email marketing to market products and services. While both marketing methods can give varied results, brands should research on the ideal marketing methods for their products or services.