Difference Between DSL Modem and Cable Modem

DSL Modem vs Cable Modem

The next logical step from a dial-up connection is to go broadband; and with broadband connections, there are a number of choices that include DSL modem and Cable modem. The main difference between DSL and cable modems is with what devices and what services they are linked with. The DSL modem is connected to the telephone line and is thus linked together with your phone service. A cable modem connects to your cable box and is an add-on to your cable service. Getting a cable modem is good for those who do not need a landline phone, more common than you think given the growing dependence on mobile phones.

When it comes to speed, there are pros and cons to getting either a DSL modem or a cable modem. And these are the results of how the two are structured. Cable modems are basically like network switches with all the subscribers competing for speed. On a given network, the maximum speed you may get can be around 20mbps; and you can probably achieve close to this speed when no one else is on the network. But given that there are 20 or more subscribers on the same network, you will typically get around 1mbps. The downside to that is if there are one or more subscribers that hog the bandwidth by downloading large files. You may get far less than what you’d expected. With a DSL modem, there is no possibility of getting extra speed as each subscriber is isolated. But, you would also get a more consistent and reliable connection because other subscribers cannot impinge on your bandwidth.

When it comes to popularity, cable modems where once quite widespread but are now slowly falling on the wayside. More and more people are moving towards using DSL modems as it is becoming more important to have a consistent connection; especially when you are using services like streaming, video calling, and the like. For these uses, it is better to opt for the DSL modem.


1.The DSL modem is tied to the phone line while the cable modem is tied to the TV box
2.Cable modems can offer faster speeds than DSL modems
3.DSL modems get more reliable speeds than cable modems
4.Cable modems are on the decline while DSL modems are getting more popular