Difference Between Truvia and Stevia

Truvia vs Stevia

People with a sweet tooth have difficulty abstaining from eating anything sweet. Their taste buds are already programmed to heavenly desserts, candies, chocolates, and so on and so forth. Sweets will always be a part of their lives.

For people who are diabetic, sweeteners are their pals in life. It helps them bid goodbye to bland tastes plus maintaining their craving for sweetness. A sample of the vast selection of sweeteners in the market are truvia and stevia. What can be the differences?

To start with, truvia is a branded sweetener. This type of sweetener is partly made up of stevia and then mainly made of a natural sugar alcohol. This natural sugar alcohol is erythritol. This erythritol has a lot of positive benefits. First, it does not contain any calories, which means it’s great for those who are on a diet. Second, this chemical does not have a side effect on blood pressure. Third, it’s tooth friendly as it does not lead to tooth decay. Lastly, you can use this for life, and it will not cause any side effects.

On the other hand, stevia is a plant. This plant came from South America. Its main components are the extracts from the leaves of the stevia plant plus steviosides. These are the main ingredients of the sweeteners. The taste is sweet. There is also a licorice kind of taste. The negative consideration regarding stevia is its side effects. First, it is not diabetic friendly. It raises the blood glucose. It has an effect on it. Thus, it is not advisable for use by diabetics. Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar so just imagine that.

Stevia can be in the form of a powder, crystal, or liquid form. Truvia is available in crystal form.

These sweeteners may help diabetics in their cravings for a sweet taste, but the truth is, eradicating carbohydrates and other complex forms of sugar will really help stabilize glucose and less of a need of insulin for Type-2 diabetics.


1. Stevia and truvia are both sweeteners.
2. Truvia is made up of stevia and erythritol while stevia is made up of
extracts of the stevia leaves plus steviosides.
3. Truvia does not have an effect on blood glucose and blood pressure,
but stevia is said to have side effects.
4. Truvia is sweet, but stevia, aside from being sweet, has a licorice