Difference Between Country Fried Steak and Chicken Fried Steak

The existence of a wide variety of food items gives way different methods that food can be prepared so as to suit different preferences. Various factors including taste, difficulty or ease of preparation, value, preparation tools, and ingredients affect food preferences among individuals. The fact that one food ingredient may be prepared with different ingredients, methods of preparation and served on specific occasions brings out different recipes. Country fried steak and chicken fried steak are some of the food that many people do not differentiate. Although the concept for the two is said to have originated in the mid-1800’s from the German immigrants, they are different in various ways.


Country Fried Steak

A staple in the Southern United States, this is a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak and dished out with onions and brown gravy. It can also make steak fingers by simply cutting it into strips. The dish was common in the United States from the mid-19th century and has become popular with time due to low pricing and ease of preparation.


Chicken Fried Steak

A staple in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma, this is a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak with eggs and dished out with cream gravy. This may be a bit confusing, but despite its name, chicken fried steak is not prepared with chicken, but with beef. It is, however, a more recent tweak of country fried steak.


Similarities between Country Fried Steak and Chicken Fried Steak

  • Both are favorite classic comfort food for most people
  • Both are dished out with gravy


Differences between Country Fried Steak and Chicken Fried Steak


Country fried steak refers to a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak and dished out with onions and brown gravy. On the other hand, chicken fried steak refers to a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak with eggs and dished out with cream gravy.

Type of gravy

While country fried steak is set out with brown gravy and onions, chicken fried steak is set out with cream gravy.

Popular locations

Country fried steak tends to be popular in the southern United States while chicken fried steak tends to be more popular in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Outer coating

While country fried steak has a less crispy coating, chicken fried steak has a more crispy coating.

Country Fried Steak vs. Chicken Fried Steak: Comparison Table


Summary of Country Fried Steak vs. Chicken Fried Steak

Country fried steak refers to a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak and dished out with onions and brown gravy and is popular in the southern United States. On the other hand, chicken fried steak refers to a dish that is prepared with breaded cube steak with eggs and dished out with cream gravy and is popular in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Both, however, are favorite classic comfort food for most people.