Difference Between Cocaine and Heroin

Cocaine vs. Heroin

There has been much argument over substances that induce addiction. Marijuana, crack, cocaine and heroin have all been under scrutiny these days. Nevertheless, cocaine and heroin may be regarded as two of the most addictive substances around.

Cocaine has been known to be a more addictive substance compared to other drugs, for instance, heroin. It can kill the user through cardiotoxicity, a certain lethality of the heart. By producing progressive arrhythmias, cocaine can induce a person to immediate death. Heroin’s health effect is more profound on the respiratory system. It causes respiratory depression, and you end up feeling suffocated. The good thing about heroin is the presence of an antidote for its toxicity ‘“ naloxone. In the case of cocaine, there’s still no potent antidote available, unfortunately.

Cocaine looks more crystalline. It even glimmers a little when exposed to light. With regard to heroin, this substance is somewhat chunkier. Although both heroin and cocaine can be in powder form, heroin differs because it does not show the crystal-like appearance. Its texture is similar to that of regular powdered milk. Moreover, heroin’s color is usually white, but some forms can appear brownish.

In terms of taste, the two substances also differ. Cocaine is usually packed with a peculiar flavor, which can numb your tongue, whereas heroin is a little bitter, and doesn’t induce a numbing effect.

The origin of heroin is derived from poppy plants, spread throughout many Asian and European regions. They are classified as opiates, or depressants (a sedative). Because of such, it is also therapeutically used for the management of severe pain among hospital patients. Contrary to cocaine, this substance is often regarded as a ‘downer’. After having a shot of heroin, you’ll feel more relaxed, and move a little slower than normal.

Like the soda Coke, the coca plant is also from where cocaine is harnessed. These plants are usually grown in South America. It is a stimulating substance that gives a similar effect to that of coffee. After ingestion, one will usually feel elated, euphoric, and overly happy. Hence, it is termed as an ‘upper.’

In summary, cocaine and heroin differ in the following aspects:

1. Cocaine’s fatality is more by cardiotoxicity, whereas heroin can induce respiratory depression.

2. Cocaine does not have an antidote, compared to heroin that does.

3. Cocaine is a more crystalline powder compared to heroin powder.

4. Heroin tastes bitter, and does not numb the tongue, contrary to cocaine.

5. Cocaine is from the coca plant, whereas heroin is from poppy flower plants.

6. Cocaine is a stimulant, whereas heroin is a depressant.