Difference Between Workgroup and Domain

Workgroup vs Domain
Networking in Windows means that you would need to setup a domain or a workgroup so that all the computers connected can communicate with each other. Whether you have a domain or a workgroup is all up to your network administrator and the scale of your network. Workgroups are used when there are only a few computers in the same location that needs to be connected. Domains, on the other hand, is meant for large scale deployments where there are dozens of computers connected to the network. Even computers from outside the location can connect to the domain with the use of VPN technologies.

Workgroups are substantially easier to create compared to domains. You would simply need to connect two computers to a switch and assign them to the same workgroup, you already have a working workgroup. In order to have a domain implemented, you would need to set-up a domain controller which is the computer that authenticates and users who wants to connect and provides them the resources that are afforded them. The domain controllers are also essential in adding an extra layer of security for the system beyond the normal usual security from individual computers which is what’s available in workgroups.

Although it is harder to implement a domain compared to a workgroup, it adds better scalability to the whole system which is essential for the expansion of businesses. Adding accounts or computers in a workgroup would mean that each computer needs to be configured for each account, this is time consuming and cumbersome especially when the computers number in the dozens. In a domain, the administrator can do all this on a single terminal in a very short time. Aside from scalability, domains are also very structured and you can assign what services or folders a specific account can access. This feature is not available in workgroups and anyone connected to the workgroup can access the same services and resources.

1. Workgroups are fitted for smaller networks while Domains are used in large scale deployments like in medium and big businesses
2. Workgroups are easy to implement while domains are harder and takes longer to implement
3. The control in a domain is centralized to the domain controller which is safer while workgroups do not have this level of protection
4. Domains are very scalable while increasing the number of computers and users in a workgroup could be a lot of work
5. You can assign resources to certain accounts in domains but not in workgroups