Difference Between Dictatorship and Democracy

Dictatorship vs Democracy

In terms of governance and operational reformation, there are lots of striking differences between a pure democracy and its other end which is popularly known as a dictatorship. In short, it is just about the distribution of power and who holds that power.

Firstly, the head of operations in a dictatorship is called the dictator. He is the one who holds the greatest power in the organization or state. As such, he can subject all of the rights concerning the nation, economy, private properties, and people’s rights under tyrannical rule. In a purely dictatorial state, the citizens are already sentenced to be unhappy except for some chosen few who are privileged enough to be favored. To many, this is not necessarily what an ideal government or institution should be. But to some, this type of governance can serve its better purpose. This is where efficiency kicks in.

Dictatorships usually win in terms of “efficiency.” A dictatorial state is very good and swift in making new laws, doing critical decision-making, and perhaps making the most “oddly peaceful” living environment for its citizens. It is odd in the sense that the dictator usually uses arms and fear to control his subjects. Even if there’s a big sacrifice of the people’s freedoms, the dictatorship become efficient because less people are involved in decision-making, and the citizens don’t have a say as to what the dictator plans to do. This proves to be the double-edged sword that highlights efficiency while it undermines freedom and overall happiness of the greater number of people.

A democratic government is very different from a dictatorship because it is considered as the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Therefore, the citizens have the capacity to choose what laws to enact, implement, and create. They can also keep and manage their own private properties. Democracy is more of letting the people choose what they think is better for them and not someone else. The democratic government displays a freer society that offers many choices. With this, the citizens have the ability to create change and even make social reforms so that the majority can be happy.


1.In a dictatorship, the power usually resides on a single individual – the dictator. The democratic state has its powers divided among its citizens.
2.In a dictatorship, the people don’t have a voice unlike in a democratic society.
3.In a dictatorship, the dictator sacrifices the freedom of his people for his own personal desires (selfishness) and “efficiency.”
4.In a democracy, it envisions a freer society as the citizens have a choice on what they want to do.
5.A dictatorship is efficient in the sense that passing, approving, and implementing laws is faster than in a democratic society.