Difference Between Skimmed Milk and Whole Milk

Skimmed Milk vs Whole Milk

Milk has long been considered to be an essential part of every person’s diet, regardless of one’s age. That is because milk provides our bodies with a number of essential nutrients it needs to be able to function properly. Milk is a great source of calcium which not only leads to us having healthy bones and teeth. The amount of calcium that you can get in two glasses of milk each day can help eliminate the chances of contracting osteoporosis, a condition that is characterized by the brittle bones and having a lower bone density as we grow older. Milk also is a terrific source of protein that helps build and repair muscle tissues in our body.

There are a number of different types of milk that are available in your local supermarket. The most common types being bought are skimmed milk and whole milk. Whole milk is usually recommended to be consumed by children and teenagers as well as by body builders. On the other hand, skimmed milk is often recommended for men and women who are trying to lose weight. This is because one major difference between whole milk and skimmed milk is the amount of milk fat that they contain. Whole milk is called as such because it contains all of the milk fat that is found in them. Generally, cow’s milk contains 3.5% milk fat for every cup of milk. Skimmed milk, on the other hand, is cow’s milk that undergoes a skimming process (hence, the name) to remove as much fat as possible. This allows people to be able to consume milk to gain the calcium and protein benefits without the milk fat.

This leads to another difference between whole milk and skimmed milk. The milk fat contained in whole milk causes it to be creamier and more delicious than skimmed milk. Many people would often find skimmed milk quite a bit bland. That is because much of the flavor is found in the milk fat which is skimmed away and used to create a variety of dairy products such as cheese and butter. This is also why whole milk is often also referred to as full cream milk. Skimmed milk, on the other hand, is also called as non-fat milk although this term is not really that true because skimmed milk still contains some milk fat in them, approximately less than 0.5% milk fat.

1.Both whole milk and skimmed milk contains calcium which is essential in developing strong bones and teeth, and protein to help build and repair muscle tissues.
2.Whole milk, also called full cream milk, contains about 3.5% milk fat for each cup serving. Skimmed milk contains less than 0.5% milk fat which is made possible by skimming away as much fat as possible from whole milk.
3.Whole milk has a creamy consistency and is considered to be full in flavor. On the other hand, skimmed milk appears to be watered down and bland because of the absence of the milk fat.