The Difference Between Amish and Jewish

As minor religious groups, the Amish and Jewish today share extraordinary characters such as their origin from political turmoil in Europe; their history of persecution before landing in the United States; their inspirations for coming to America; and also their encounters since entry.

Both the Amish and the Jewish people lived on the edge of European culture, which made it easier for them to endure greatly because of Europe’s religious and political foundations.

What is Amish?

The Amish are inheritors of the Anabaptist legacy that originated in Europe after the Protestant Reformation, a period of great religious and political upheaval that swept Europe during the 16th century C.E. (Hostetler, 1993).

Led by Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation was rooted in the belief that an individual could establish a relationship with the divine on his own, instead of having to rely on church clergy — a belief that questioned the monopoly that clergy held on such a relationship and hence challenged their power.

While this debate sent shockwaves through Christian Europe, it did not go far enough for the Anabaptists, who advocated for important addenda to the relationship between the individual, his religion, and the state.

Such reforms, including complete separation between church and state, and adult baptism instead of infant baptism, were considered heretical in those days even by most Protestants.

While they share superficial similarities, the actual philosophies of the two groups are about as different as can be. Beyond some basic methodology, and some shared judeo-christian values, they agree on nothing.

The greatest distinction amongst Amish and mennonite is the way of life. The Amish way of life characterizes them in their existence with Christ. Mennonites don’t cling to the same strictness. They expand and took after the lessons of Menno, who had the similar religious roots (Anabaptist) as the Amish. Some Old Order Mennonites are near the most liberal Amish.

Some Amish exclusively drive horse with carriages and they have the same dress arrangement, however present day Mennonites just take after the Anabaptist standards with good accommodations and technologies.

What is Jewish?

Jews started as an ethnic and religious group in the Middle East amid the second thousand years, in the piece of the Levant land known as the Land of Israel. The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite populace, united their hold with the development of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.

In spite of the fact that few sources specify the exilic periods in detail, the experience of diaspora life, from the Ancient Egyptian government, Assyrian bondage and outcast, to Babylonian Captivity and Exile, to Seleucid Imperial administration, to the Roman occupation and banishment, and the chronicled relations amongst Jews and their country from that point turned into a noteworthy element of Jewish history, character and memory.

The Amish are an off-shoot of the Anabaptist Mennonites and are one of the many, numerous branches of Anabaptist Protestants that framed in amid the Reformation. Intensely abused by both the Catholics and the Protestant rulers, Anabaptists grew to a great degree isolated groups to shield themselves from mistreatment.

They quit proselytizing, as it turned out to be greatly dangerous, and the individuals who left the group were removed instantly. The supporters of a know member Jakob Ammann took a great leap further, making a different congregation that was stricter and basically more isolated. They form a group that isloated themselves from whatever influence of the culture of the world unlike their counterpart, the Mennonites. This organization was called the Amish.

Differences Between Amish and Jewish

The main genuine association with the Jews that the Amish have is that Christianity was shaped from a Jewish religion, which later advanced into Catholicism, and the Anabaptists were a branch of the Catholics, and the Amish and Mennonites are Anabaptist factions. So the Amish are in fact the social and religious relatives of the Jews, but more than 1600 years isolate them.

Amish and Judaism have numerous distinctions such as the following:

Origin of Amish and Jewish

Judaism was formed around 2,000 B.C. while Amish was founded in 1693.

By believing in Jesus Christ and everything involving Him, the Amish are unmistakably extraordinary and have almost no similar character to Jewish individuals.

Be that as it may, to be clear, the Amish are Christians, they acknowledge Jesus Christ which sets them in a general sense separated from those of the Jewish tradition.

Standard of Living of Amish and Jewish

The Amish live by the Ordnung while Jewish people follow the Torah and Ten Commandments.

The Amish are simply individuals who depend on more ancient techniques and instruments to live by. Anybody can be Amish. The Amish are Christian and live a straightforward and plain lives according to God.

Perspective on Afterlife of Amish and Jewish

The Amish believe one go to either Heaven or Hell based on someone’s actions. Judaism, on the other hand, doesn’t have a common perspective of the afterlife.

Amish don’t have a common thought of the afterlife while Jewish believe the world will be transformed to its original state.

Celebrations and Practices of Amish and Jewish

Jewish people practice Hanukkah while the Amish celebrate Christmas.Some Jews in like manner do practices that keep old standards whether in dress and customs, yet the religious observances of the two gatherings are altogether discrete and particular.

Number of Followers in Amish and Jewish

Judaism has a larger number of followers world-wide. Jews have contributed greatly in the society like members having famous positions in politics.While Amish people only have small population and they mostly reside in a secluded and rural environment.

Table of Summary: Amish Verses Jewish

Differences Amish Jewish


Founded in 1693
Originated in Israel 2,000 BC

Standard of Living

Live by the “Ordnung”

Followed Torah and Talmud

Perspective on Afterlife

Don’t have common thought of the afterlife believe you go to ether Heaven or Hell based on your actions

Believes the world will be transformed to its orginal state

Celebrations and Practices

Celebrates Christmas

Celebrates Hannukah

Number of Followers

Central followers in America

Multitudes of followers worldwide

Summary of Amish and Jewish

While almost likely seen as similar, Amish and Jewish have a completely different origin and essence. Their differences are mostly on origin, standard of living, celebrations, practices, and the number of adherents of their religion.