Difference Between Milk and White Chocolate

Milk and White Chocolate

What is the difference between milk and white chocolate? Well, many don’t pay much attention because both may taste just as good. Actually, the two are made in almost the same exact way. The main distinguishing feature is the ingredients that make the chocolate. Milk and white chocolate have different ingredients to the point that some food bureaus like the American FDA don’t regard white chocolate as real chocolate compared to the former.

Again, white chocolate is generally known by most manufacturers as a chocolate imitation. It is made from sugar and cocoa butter. Cocoa liquor is not included in the mix. Nevertheless, many have come to love white chocolate like any other type of chocolate. They say, it’s the unnatural creaminess and sweetness that makes it enticing. But ironically, many chocolate experts agree that the real sugary taste of chocolate only comes from chocolate liquor and that omitting such a vital ingredient in making chocolate makes the product non-chocolate.

On the contrary, milk chocolate is made from sugar, milk, cocoa butter, and cocoa liquor. Most chocolate enthusiasts come to agree that this is the best kind of chocolate among the three (including the dark chocolate) because it seems to have a lighter blend of liquor which gives it a much sweeter taste than dark chocolate. It also has a lighter color compared to the latter. Because of such, it is used for confectionary purposes. The US FDA highlights that for a chocolate product to really be called chocolate then it must contain at least 10% cocoa liquor and 25% cocoa solids. This is practically the case for milk chocolate.

So what is this cocoa liquor that spells the difference in all chocolate types? It is nonetheless harnessed after finely grinding cacao beans. The beans are so finely ground that the end result is a paste-like product. The process is done at the mill wherein grinding stones are used to heat the beans and grind them to cocoa liquor. Upon cooling, the medium solidifies. In itself, this ingredient tastes really bitter. Moreover, it is important to note that cocoa liquor is non-alcoholic; contrary to the unsubstantiated assumptions of many.

The other ingredient ‘“ cocoa butter is the fat part of the cacao bean. One can literally press the beans so as to extract the fat out but this yields only a small amount. Thus, hanging the beans inside a warm space enables the fat to slowly drip from the beans itself. This method came to be known as the ‘broma process.’

In summary:

· White chocolate is not really chocolate while milk chocolate is, in fact, chocolate.

· White chocolate does not have cocoa liquor as one of its ingredients white milk chocolate requires some for it to be made.