Difference Between Quartz and marble

Quartz vs Marble

Quartz and marble have been in use from very ancient times. Both have many ornamental or industrial uses. Found on the earth’s crust, they are different minerals.

Marble is a granular metamorphic rock formed due to the metamorphic process of limestone and dolostone. Marble is usually formed through regional metamorphism but it is also sometimes formed through contact metamorphism. On the other hand, Quartz is a combination of oxygen and silicon. Quartz is a crystalline rock and is found in other rocks such as granite and gneiss.

Marble is widely used in making statues because of its bright colour and hardness. The hardness of marble allows it to be polished to a smooth finishing. Unlike quartz, Marble has high architectural value. Another difference that can be noted is that quartz has been used in jewelry more than marble.

Marble is more common than quartz. Marble is seen all over the world. The marbles from Carrara, Italy are the most famous ones. Michelangelo’s well-known sculpture David was imprinted from Carrara marble. India, US, Spain, Turkey, Greece, China, Ireland, Poland and Mexico produce top quality marbles. Quartz in large quantities can be found in the Alps, Brazil, Madagascar, Japan, Arkansas and New York.

Quartz comes in different colors like white, opaque, rose, smoky yellow, violet and brown. Marble comes in white, yellow, purple, uniform pure white, red, cedar red, blue ray and black.

When talking of hardness, quartz is harder than marble. Quartz has a hardness of 7 on Moh’s scale whereas Marble comes with a hardness of 3 to 4 on the scale.

The word Marble has been derived from Greek ‘marmaros’, which means shining stone. The origin of quartz word is uncertain. However, it is said that Quartz was derived from German ‘quar’.


1. Marble is a granular metamorphic rock formed due to the metamorphic process of limestone and dolostone. Quartz is a combination of oxygen and silicon. Quartz is a crystalline rock and is found in other rocks such as granite and gneiss.

2. Unlike quartz, Marble has high architectural value.

3. Quartz has a hardness of 7 on Moh’s scale whereas Marble comes with a hardness of 3 to 4 on the scale.

4. Quartz comes in different colors like white, opaque, rose, smoky yellow, violet and brown. Marble comes in white, yellow, purple, uniform pure white, red, cedar red, blue ray and black.