Difference Between Hardwood and Softwood Pellets

Hardwood vs Softwood Pellets

Wood pellets come in various forms, and the most widely used are the hardwood and softwood. Both the hardwood and the softwood have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Hardwood pellets are the more traditionally used fuel. However, softwood is also in great demand nowadays. The hardwood pellet and the softwood pellet burn differently, depending on the type of wood from which they are made. When comparing the burning of the hardwood pellet and the softwood pellet, the former one burns slower. Moreover, the hardwood pellet burns hotter when compared to the softwood pellet.

When compared to softwood pellet, the hardwood pellet is considered to be a denser. The hardwood pellet is also known for its low moisture content. When compared to the softwood pellet, the hardwood pellet burns for a longer period.

The softwood pellet burns hotter initially, and has more sap and sparks. Unlike the hardwood pellet, the softwood pellet burns up quickly. When comparing the heat produced, the softwood pellet produces more heat than the hardwood pellet.

It has been noticed that the softwood pellet can produce between ten and 20 percent more BTUs per pound when compared to the hardwood pellet. Another thing that can be noticed is that it is easier to light the softwood pellet.

When comparing the ash produced, the hardwood pellet produces a denser ash than the hardwood pellet.

In cost, the hardwood pellet costs more than the softwood pellet. This is because the material and the process used for making the pellet is expensive. It is easy to distinguish between the two, as the hardwood pellet is darker, and the softwood is lighter in color.


1. When comparing the burning of the hardwood pellet and the softwood pellet, the former one burns slower.

2. The hardwood pellet burns hotter when compared to the softwood pellet.

3. When compared to the softwood pellet, the hardwood pellet burns for a longer period.

4. When comparing the heat produced, the softwood pellet produces more heat than the hardwood pellet.

5. It is easier to light the softwood pellet than the hardwood pellet.

6. The hardwood pellet produces a denser ash than the hardwood pellet.

7. The hardwood pellet costs more than the softwood pellet.

8. Unlike the hardwood pellet, the softwood pellet burns up more quickly.

9. The hardwood pellet is darker, and the softwood is lighter in color.