Difference Between Zabiha and Halal

Zabiha vs Halal

Zabiha is considered as the most appropriate and correct way to slaughter animals for consumption as per the prescriptions in the Quran. Zabiha is the way that defines how the animals must be slaughtered in a humane way.

Halal is considered legitimate and lawful as per the Islamic beliefs, and is believed to be largely a humane method of animal slaughter. The Muslims strongly follow the teachings of Quran, and as per the Quran, all living beings should be given respect and kindness, thus, while slaughtering, it is ensured that the animal does not undergo grave pain and suffering. Halal is a kind and merciful way of slaughtering animals. As per the Shariah, Muslims should only consume Halal meat, and every slaughter factory must comply with the conditions imposed by the Halal certifier.

In Zabiha, several animals like the camel, locusts and various sea creatures are considered bad, and are prohibited by the Islamic law. In this way, animals are slaughtered with a swift and deep cut, using a sharp knife which cuts the jugular vein of the prey. It is the most lawful way for consumption of meat, and is based on the various commandments of the Islamic conditions. The conditions described in Zabiha are followed strictly by Muslims.

According to Halal regulations, slaughtering is intended to be done in such a manner that it causes minimum pain and suffering to the animal. The person who slaughters the animal must be a mature and sane Muslim, and understand all the rules and principles of the Halal way of slaughtering.
Islam forbids the consumption of the meat of animals which are killed while any other name is recited other than the name of Allah. By reciting the name of Allah during slaughter they seek god’s permission to kill the animal for sustaining life.

The slaughter is to be approved by several religious authorities. Another condition is that when the slaughter is done the animal should be facing Qibla, which is the direction where Mecca is located.

Zabiha restricts the slaughter of several animals, like the camel, locusts and some sea creatures, as they are considered unlawful. Halal means anything which is lawful and permissible as per the laws of Islam. So Zabiha may be considered a form of Halal which ensures that very animal is slaughtered in a humane way, and complies with the Islamic beliefs.