Difference Between Greek Yogurt and Regular Yogurt

Greek Yogurt vs. Regular Yogurt

People love eating yogurt for one basic reason ‘“ it is surprisingly healthy. Eating yogurt gives one a boost of certain vitamins or minerals needed for optimal functioning. But nowadays, there’s somewhat a new curve to this fad. With the introduction of the Greek yogurt, people are now questioning which one is better.

Most people eat yogurt as a form of snack, or a mini breakfast meal. Yogurt, in itself, is a very versatile product that can be eaten instantly from the carton, or even combined with some dishes or salads for dressings. Being rich in probiotics, yogurt is considered to be one of the healthiest, not to mention tastiest, foods around.

Nevertheless, Greek protein has been placed into the limelight, because it is said to contain more protein as opposed to regular yogurt. A cup of Greek yogurt has about two times more protein content than the other. If a cup of regular yogurt gives you around 10 protein grams, the least then that Greek yogurt gives you is 20 protein grams for the same yogurt quantity.

Secondly, Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates. Hence, diet enthusiasts, and most especially diabetic laden individuals, would really love this product even more than the conventional yogurt. They say the latter contains about 15 to 17 carbohydrate grams at an average, compared to Greek yogurt’s meager 9 grams. It has even been reported that some Greek yogurts are manufactured with less than 9 grams.

Thirdly, Greek yogurt is creamier and thicker. This improvement in texture usually induces purely positive responses from the consumers when the product reaches their taste buds. This amazing texture is achieved through triple straining. In this process, more whey and water are removed from the yogurt, resulting in a thicker product. Unfortunately, some calcium is inadvertently removed in the process as well. Nevertheless, no artificial thickeners will be added, for it is already very thick to begin with.

Lastly, Greek yogurt is also said to be good for those with high blood pressure and those who have heart ailments, because it has a reduced amount of sodium in it. This type of yogurt cuts the usual sodium content of conventional yogurts by half.

1. Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt.
2. Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates than regular yogurt.
3. Greek yogurt is a lot creamier and thicker than regular yogurt.
4. Greek yogurt undergoes a triple straining process, whereas regular yogurt only undergoes double straining.
5. Greek yogurt has less sodium than regular yogurt
6. Generally, Greek yogurt has less calcium than regular yogurt.