Difference Between Islam and Christianity

Islam vs Christianity

In the past 2000 years, two major world religions have emerged from the sandy peninsula we now call the Middle East: Islam and Christianity. While these two religions vary in history, belief, and practice, they also have many similarities.

Islam : in 610CE, God gave his first declared revelation to the Prophet Muhammad at a cave in Hira. The first year of the Islamic calendar begins in 622CE, when the Prophet Muhammad and his followers moved to Medina.
Christianity : Jesus Christ was born in 1CE in Bethlehem. When he was thirty, he began to preach the word of God. In 33CE, Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem; Christians believe he was resurrected three days later and eventually ascended into heaven.

Islam  is centered on the belief that there is no god but God, and Mohammad is his prophet. They belief that their holy book, the Koran, is a direct transcription of the word of God. Islam means a submission to the will of God
Christianity : believe that God sent his only son, Jesus, to save them from sin. Those who believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will have eternal life.

Islam : there are five pillars that create the core Islamic practices. Shahadah is the recitation of their fundamental belief. Salah is the ritual prayer that must be said five times a day. Zakat is the giving of charity to the poor. Sawm is fasting during the month of Ramadan. Hajj is a once in a lifetime pilgrimage all Muslims make to Mecca.
Christianity : asks its followers to attend church every Sunday. They should confess their sins and partake in communion. Penance for sins can include alms-giving or good works.

Other general aspects
Began in the Middle East and consider Jerusalem to be a holy city.
Are monotheistic – believing in a single supreme being.
Have been successful proselytizers, spreading far beyond the Middle East to become world religions.
Have a holy book in which they believe the word of God is written.
Espouse daily, weekly, and yearly rituals and ask their followers to adhere to a specific moral code.
Have had internal division, leading to different branches or sects.

1.Both religions were founded by the works of one man, with Islam beginning 600 years after Christianity.
2.Islam believes Mohammad was a prophet while Christianity believes Jesus was the son of God.
3.Islam asks its followers to adhere to the Five Pillars while Christians do most of their formal worship on Sundays.

[In this article we highlighted only the facts not opinions. If you find fault in any fact, please leave us a comment below]