Differences Between Seventh-day Adventists and Christians

Seventh-day Adventists vs Christians

Most people think that all Protestant churches are the same but they’re actually not. One particular group that is considered different from other Christian organizations is the Seventh-day Adventist or SDA. Essentially, their teachings are rooted in the works of Jesus as recounted in the Bible, which is the same with all Christian groups, but they have different beliefs and practices.

The most glaring discrepancy between Seventh-day Adventists and other Christian churches is the day they assign for worship. Catholics and other Christian sects use Sunday as day of fellowship while SDA members prefer to hold it on Saturdays. They believe this is the day of the Sabbath or the time when God rested after creating the world and all living creatures.

Other Christian groups use the Bible as their sole reference for their teachings and practices which is different from SDA members who also study the works of one of their founders Ellen G. White. This practice has paved the way for other religious organizations to brand them as a cult which they readily deny. Cults are religious groups, but instead of worshiping a divine Being, they center on their leader’s beliefs and teachings effectively appointing him or her as their own savior.

The SDA also cite their roots as a major difference between themselves and most Christian churches. In general, all Christian groups are regarded as belonging to the Protestant movement which was first established by Martin Luther who sought independence from the Catholic Church. This spawned many groups like: Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyterians, among many others. In essence, Protestant churches came from Catholicism, but SDAs sprouted out of Protestant beliefs.

There are also major differences in the SDA’s beliefs and that of other Christians’. SDA members don’t believe in the notion that the human soul can live forever contrary to what Christians preach. They also view the concept of salvation differently from other Christians. For them, a person’s life is evaluated by God while he or she is still alive which is in direct contrast to what most Christian teachings say that God will hold judgment upon entry to the gates of Heaven.

Practices of SDA members also differ from other Christians. While Christians discourage members to have vices like drinking and smoking, they allow them nevertheless. For SDAs, on the other hand, this is unacceptable. SDA members are also prohibited from eating red meat as this could defile the soul. Christians can eat pretty much whatever they want as long as it’s not in excess.

Clothing for worship is also a big difference between SDA members and Christians. While both groups discourage members from wearing inappropriate outfits during worship services, the SDAs are stricter in implementing dress codes like long dresses for women and pants for men. But despite difference in beliefs and practices, both the SDA and Christian religion advocate worshiping God through Jesus and living a sin-free life.

1. SDAs worship on Saturdays while Christians usually hold services during Sundays.
2. SDAs also use works of Ellen White as references aside from the Bible while Christians base all their teachings from the Holy Book.
3. The Christian religion came from the Catholic Church while SDAs were born from Protestant beliefs.
4. SDAs don’t believe in the immortality of the soul while Christians do.
5. SDAs believe that people are judged while they are still alive while Christians think it happens upon death.
6. SDAs don’t allow members to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat red meat. Christians have the freedom to eat what they like and occasionally drink or smoke. SDAs also have stricter dress codes compared to Christians.