Difference Between Bone and Fine China

Bone vs Fine China

Chinese porcelain is known for its art and beauty. These porcelains are the most preferred because of their magnificence. Most of the people just known china porcelain and does not known about the different types associated with it. Even when shopping, they just go for the porcelains and never make out a difference between Bone China and Fine China porcelains.

When talking of Bone China and Fine china, the main difference between the two is in the components that go into the making of the two. Fine China is made out of a combination of china stone and china clay. Bone china consists of bone ash, china stone and china clay. Generally the bones of cattle are used for making bone China. They are heated at high temperatures until they become ash. They are then powdered and added to the other components.

When looking at the history, it can be seen that Fine China was introduced in BC 11. On the other hand, bone china can be traced to the 1800s.

Another specific difference between Bone China and Fine China is in the translucent quality. The wares made of Bone china are more translucent than the wares made from Fine China. Even if the wares made from Bone china are decorated with paints, the surface is very visible.

In comparing the weight, Bone china has a lighter weight to Fine China. There is also
much difference in the price of wares made from Bone China and Fine China. The wares made from Bone china comes expensive than the wares made from Fine China.

When talking of the difference in durability between Bone China and Fine China, the wares made out of Bone China are more durable.

Fine China is made from a combination of china stone and china clay. Bone china consists of bone ash, china stone and china clay.
Fine China was introduced in BC 11. On the other hand, bone china can be traced to the 1800s.
The wares made of Bone china are more translucent than the wares made from Fine China. Even if the wares made from Bone china are decorated with paints, the surface is very visible.
The wares made from Bone china comes expensive than the wares made from Fine China.
The wares made out of Bone China are more durable than those made from Fine China.