Difference Between Catholic and Jehovah’s Witness

Catholic vs. Jehovah’s Witness

Religious organizations who claim to have maintained Christianity are growing in number. Two of them are Catholic and Jehovah’s Witness. But even though their teachings are only based on one religious text, which is the Bible, differences are still transparent between the two. The teachings of both groups are based on what Jesus taught when He was here on earth, but the identity of Jesus is different. The Catholics consider Jesus as God Himself based on Trinity ‘“ the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead – while Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the Son of the Almighty God Jehovah.

Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses differ in many other teachings such as that related with afterlife. Catholics believe in eternal hell, heaven and temporal purgatory. Good people would be allowed to enter the heavens by St. Peter and bad people would be forever punished in hell. On the other hand, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that after death, the dead person would not feel, see or experience anything until Jehovah’s Judgment Day, wherein a war would take place between Jehovah and his enemy Satan the devil. After that event, all dead people would rise from the graves and be with their loved ones again.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for their house-to-house preaching wherein they imitate Christ’s example here on earth while he was teaching the good news to the people. They also do not give praise to any religious idols and symbols unlike Catholics. Jehovah’s Witnesses remain politically neutral, meaning they don’t vote for any candidate during elections. They also do not tolerate patriotism: they do not participate in any military activity, salute or pledge allegiance to flags, or sing national anthems or nationalistic songs. They believe that God’s Kingdom is the only government in which they must have their highest allegiance to. They also do not celebrate special occasions such as birthdays and other religious holidays which have a pagan origin. Meanwhile, the Church and politics have a great connection today, which indirectly causes active participation of its members in military activities and other patriotic acts. Individual Catholics practice freewill on deciding whose candidate they will vote for every election.

Baptism is practiced by both as a symbol for new members that they have already made their decision of being included within the group. But they are done in different manners. Catholics baptize new members from infantry. The head of the baby would be lightly poured with holy water and it is conducted in a formal ceremony by a priest. On the other hand, Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize new members who have at least known their basic teachings. The whole body would be immersed into water and this is done during assemblies and conventions wherein congregations of assigned places gather to hear special talks and presentations.

Even though their teachings are both based on the same book which they consider as the Word of God, the Bible, the two groups are still contradicting. Some Catholic Bibles had been added with seven extra books, while Jehovah’s Witnesses stick with only the original sixty-six. Bibles commonly used by Catholics do not include the name of God which is Yahweh/Jehovah, while Jehovah’s Witnesses’ official Bible which is the New Translation of the Holy Scriptures emphasizes the need to recognize God’s name.

There is also a big distinction in talking about leaders in both groups. Catholic ministers must undergo a higher educational attainment so as to have a full understanding of the history, practices and beliefs of Catholicism. While Jehovah’s Witnesses recognize all its member as ‘ministers’ being guided by men known as elders and ministerial servants in every congregation so as to have organization. Catholic ministers are not allowed to marry, while marriage is allowed to everyone by Jehovah’s Witness.

Both Catholics and Jehovah’ Witnesses already encountered different issues which tested the credibility of their religious organization. But it is always up to every individual which religion will they fall under.


1. Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses both base their teachings on the Bible.

2. They both believe in afterlife but in a different manner ‘“ Catholics on having immortal souls, while Jehovah’s Witnesses on resurrection of the dead.

3. Catholics support politics and military services, while Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t.

4. Baptism is practiced by both but in a different manner ‘“ Catholics on infant baptism, while Jehovah’s Witnesses on having their basic teaching known to a person.

5. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not use any idol or religious symbol in their worship and they don’t celebrate special occasions with pagan roots, vice versa on the Catholics.