Difference Between Jive and Swing

Jive vs Swing

Jive and swing dancing steps are often used in several dancing competition throughout the world. It is said that jive is the faster form of swing. Though these two dance steps are somewhat linked with each other, it is more fitting to find out the distinction between the two.

Let’s begin by tracking down where jive and swing came from. Jive dance originated from Europe and not in America. It is only a variety of the American’s Jitterbug at the time of World War II. Swing is a dance owed to the African-American community during the 1800’s era.

Next is the dance step. Jive is popularly known for its heightened kicks and bounce while swing is a combination of street dances with close harmonic connection. It is usually danced with partners; one acts as the leader and the other is the follower. Swing dance use contemporary jazz music and the basic steps used are the rock step and triple step. Jive music is 4/4 time rhythm with six beat count of rock step and two triple steps. Swing is a six or eight beat count dance though most of swing dances are four count basic rhythms.

Jive is breath-taking and requires great stamina. The quickness of the music concludes the rhythm and the number of steps to take. It is usually reserved for the finale part of dancing competitions. The early nature of swing dancing revolves with the woman swirling around her partner with mixture of acrobatic moves such as lifting, dropping and dipping.

As time passed by, the dance involves less foot effort but various partner twisting. There is a more defined smooth synchronization between partners in swing dance and allows breaks to have more time in interpreting the music. In jive, there’s a swift change of moves that leaves no time for music interpretation.

Since jive is a version of swing, the different styles of swing are also applied to jive dancing with slight timing variations. Examples of swing styles are the Balboa which involves more foot works and less body movements. Boogie Woogie usually danced by couples with two walk steps and two chasse steps around a rock n’ roll music. Bop and Bugg id both originally from Lindy Hop wherein Bop is more of kicking and Bugg is mostly walking on every beat. Shag in older style lets the man take the lead and show off while the woman is working on the basics but at the present women are allowed to take the floor and shine. It is more of using the feet with combination of simple turns.

1. Jive dancing originated from Europe while Swing dance is from African-American community.

2. Jive is popularly known for its kicks and bouncing steps while Swing is a combination of street dances and more partners twisting.

3. Swing has smooth synchronization which allows breaks and music interpretation while jive steps change swiftly leaving no room for music interpretation.