Difference Between Italians and Europeans

Italians vs Europeans

All Italians are Europeans, while all Europeans are not Italians. This is the first and foremost difference. Italy is the subset, and Europe is the superset. Besides, Italy refers to a single country, while Europe refers to an entire continent with many countries.

Italians are quite distinct in appearance compared to the average European. Italians usually have dark hair, while Europeans, on average, have blonde hair. The Italians are similar in appearance to the fairer Indian citizens, due to their dark hair, while all Indians look nothing like a European with blonde hair. This is because the fair-skinned Indians (from the Asian sub-continental Republic of India) probably share more DNA and gene ancestry with Italians than with the average European, as Indian’s themselves are part of the Indo-European gene pool, stretching back many thousands of years.

Italians are more proud of their heritage and culture than the average European. Italians are world-renowned for their excellent design sense and cuisine. While Europe as a whole is well known for excellence in all fields, Italians are very proud people, and they would like to believe that no other European can cook, and design bikes, cars and buildings as well as they can. And not without good reason, Italian brands are some of the most sought after throughout the world, especially in luxury and lifestyle segments. Italians are probably more proud than the average European because Italy was once the ruler of all of Europe and most of the world, as it was the seat of the Roman Empire.

Italians are ironically known to be the biggest eve teasers, as well as the biggest mamma’s boys and girls. Italians are more family-oriented than the average European, who probably lives in a nuclear family more often than not. Italians are known to have huge joint families. ‘Family’ is thus clearly more important to an Italian than a European. Italy was also with Germany (Axis Powers) and the rival of the rest of European countries (Allied Powers) during the terrible world wars.

So, the differences from that era still exist, even if they are muted. Italy has seen its heydays, and is not that powerful a country anymore, while Europe (in its present avatar as the European Union) seems ready to snatch the crown from superpower number 1 – the USA, and replace the Dollar & Shekel imperialism with Euro imperialism. The Italian flag is also ironically similar to India’s (further irony – the number 1 powerful politician in India was a former Italian citizen), except India’s tricolor is horizontal, while Italy’s is vertically striped. Both have the same three colors ‘“ reddish-orange/saffron, white and green.


1) Italy is part of Europe.

2) Italians have dark hair, while Europeans have blonde hair.

3) Italy was once the ruler of Europe in the form of the Roman Empire, and now Europe, as the European Union, is the new dominant empire in the region.

4) Italy’s flag is an orange, green and white tricolor, while EU’s is blue with stars.