Difference Between Islam and the Nation of Islam

Islam vs. the Nation of Islam

People who hear for the first time about the ‘Nation of Islam’ (NOI) will immediately correlate it with Islam itself. However, these two religious sects are not to be considered one and the same. To people’s surprise, there are really many differences between the two.

Some experts even believe that the teachings of the NOI don’t really coincide with that of Islam. In fact, they even claimed that those who follow these teachings are mostly Black and racist individuals, and are not be considered to be true Muslims. Due to this, believers of the so-called real Islam denounce the teachings of NOI.

Islam is basically rooted in God’s obedience that He mandated to His people, which was coursed through the prophet Muhammad. Believers of Islam recognize only one true God, whom they call Allah. They also believe in the angels of Allah, and the books named as Torah and the Bible. They have lots of prophets, including Moses, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Adam, and even Jesus (the recognized Messiah of Roman Catholic s). Like Christians, Muslims also believe in the end of days (Day of Judgment). Muhammad PBUH, Islam’s last prophet, is also considered to be a key figure among Muslims. His teachings are being followed up to this day.

In addition, one of the key characteristics of Islam that all believers follow by heart and by deeds, is the belief in their five pillars. These pillars include the following:

· Testimony of faith

· Pillar of faith (you need to pray 5 times daily)

· Paying charity

· Fasting when the Ramadan month is celebrated

· Pilgrimage to Mecca (done at least once in a devotee’s lifetime)

On the other hand, started by Wallace Fard in 1930, the NOI is centered on the belief that the Blacks is a greater race than any other. These people are deemed to be capable of being elevated to the same status as Allah. Because NOI believers are mainly black people, they accept that the white denomination is the incarnate of the devil himself. Unlike Islam, NOI does not follow Muhammad PBUH and his teachings. In his place, they follow what Muhammad Elijah has taught them. Elijah is actually a student of Ford who was renamed with such title. NOI also has a different interpretation of the Judgment Day, since they envision it as the creation of a paradise after the Blacks have taken over the evil laden world of the white people.

Lastly, Islam is a religion for all. You need not be black or white to be qualified as a follower. This religion strictly forbids man from considering themselves to be at par with God. In their history, there are no more new prophets to come, since it was Muhammad PBUH who was considered to be the last.

1. NOI promotes racism, whereas Islam doesn’t.

2. NOI believes in Elijah and not in Muhammad PBUH, whereas Islam follows the teachings of the latter.

3. NOI is a newer religious group founded in 1930, compared to the older Islamic religion.