Difference Between Love and Friendship

Love vs Friendship

What is the difference between friendship and love? This question has always been
in the minds of people for centuries. Though a definite answer cannot be given for this question, one can come across some differences between the two.

Love and friendship are so much related, that one cannot find any difference between the two.

When love can be termed as a sacrifice, friendship can be termed as a trust. Love is a feeling that is uncontrollable, and a feeling which one has for another individual. On the other hand, friendship is quite different from love in this aspect.

Love is a feeling between two individuals, and most of the time when they say “She/ he is my one and only” and in this case only two individuals are involved. But there are times people may fall in love with more than one individuals, but it is considered morally wrong when you already have a partner or a boy/girl friend. On the contrary, friendship involves more individuals without any guilty feelings involved. One can have many friends, but most of the time an individual can only have one person to love. You can love your family and that’s another topic for discussion.

In love, there is great attachment for the other. Most of the time an individual gets strong feeling of hurt if his loved one is in pain or hurt. This attachment may not be strong in friendship.

Regarding the emotions, individuals in love will experience a faster heartbeat when they meet their loved one. This is not so when friends meet. There is no way that one will lie awake and think of his friends for a whole night, but lovers will have sleepless nights, and dream about their lovers. The lovers even sleep and wake up with the thoughts of his or her lover.

Another difference that can be seen, is that in love, some physical element is also involved between individuals. On the other hand, there is no such physical element involved in friendship.

In regards to love, persons may love to share the same thoughts and interests, whereas friends may share the same interests.


1. Love can be termed as a sacrifice; friendship can be termed as a trust.

2. One can have many friends, but most of the time an individual will tend to have one person to love.

3. An individual shows strong feeling of hurt if his/her loved one is in pain or hurt. This attachment may not strong in friendship.

4. There is no chance that one will lie awake and think of his friends for a whole night, but lovers will have sleepless nights, and dream about their lovers. The lovers even sleep and wake up with the thoughts of his or her lover.

5. In regards to love, some physical element is  involved between individuals. On the other hand, there is no such physical element involved in friendship.