Difference Between Jazz and Rock

Jazz vs Rock

Jazz is a combination of European, American and African slave music at the start of twentieth century. The music as a part of their everyday life and was usually used during plantation, mourning, celebration, or to entertain after an exhausting work. The blending of the music became the foundation of blues, ragtime and other type of music in which jazz had evolved.

The art of jazz used musical instruments such as the piano, the saxophone, the trumpet and the bass. The stylish, expensive and gallant looking trumpet is the main feature for several jazz masterpieces. The development of jazz from the twentieth century up to the present used improvisation, syncopation which includes a variety of rhythm that stray from regular spaced strong and weak beats, swung note (also known as shuffle note) in which similar written time are done lopsidedly frequently alternating long and short, blue note (also called worried note) sung at a lower pitch for dramatic intention or soul-searching on the part of the performer, and polyrhythm the synchronize of two or more independent rhythms. Jazz music exhibit emotional pay offs. To catch the concept behind the music, it needs more concentration efforts. Often times it is quoted as very hard to perform kind of music.

Rock is an understandable kind of music. It is mostly made up of a standard three chord sequence. In year nineteen fifty rock music was developed and on its premature stages it was characterized as blues, country and jazz with electric guitar. In later years it was generally portrayed as hard-edged music played with electric guitars, drums, bass and lyrics sung by the vocalist. The ear-piercing noise and different from norm of rock instruments such as the drums paved way to the birth of heavy metal or hard rock genre. It grants rock its dark and heavy tone as well as its rude attitude and hopping mad singing.

Rock is accessible and mostly poetic in nature. The melody which is sung with the progression makes rock unique in its own way. The mind blowing elements, concept and single theme are meant to be accomplished in one sitting. The assertive attack illustrates sexual freedom that may be shocking to the soft and safe jazz music. Today’s generation quoted rock music as performing arts and more on entertaining the people.

1. Jazz music was developed from mixed cultures at the beginning of 20th century. Rock music was developed from blues, country and jazz in 1950’s.
2. Trumpet is the main feature of jazz music while rock uses electric guitars.
3. Jazz music is lower in pitch while rock music is loud and mind blowing.
4. Jazz expresses emotions or soul-searching characteristics while rock is assertive and exhibit sexual freedom.
5. Jazz was quoted hard to perform while rock is accessible.
6. Jazz is complicated while rock is understandable.