Difference Between Uganda and Rwanda

Uganda vs Rwanda

Uganda and Rwanda are African countries. These two neighboring countries are actually interlocked countries in East Africa, which are similar in many ways. There has always been tension between Uganda and Rwanda and it still continues.

Uganda and Rwanda were both colonies. Rwanda got its independence from Belgium on July 1, 1962 and Uganda, which was a colony of the United Kingdom, got its independence on October 9, 1962.

When talking of the motto of the two countries, Rwanda has the motto of “Unity, Work, Patriotism” and Uganda has the motto “For God and My Country”.

It is not known when Rwanda was first inhabited. But it has been said that the area was first inhabited during the Neolithic period or the humid period. On the other hand, the actual inhabitants of Uganda were hunters or gatherers dating back to 1,700 to 2,300 years ago.

Well, coming to the climate, Uganda and Rwanda have different temperature. As Rwanda is placed at a higher elevation, it has slightly lower temperature than that of Uganda.

When comparing the population, Rwanda is densely populated than Uganda. It is that Rwanda is the most densely populated country in all of Africa. In area wise, Uganda has a larger area. When Uganda has an area of about 191,136 square miles, Rwanda has an area of about 10,100 square miles.

While Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups are more seen in Rwanda, ethnic groups of Bantu and Nilotic are more present in Uganda.

In official languages also, Uganda and Rwanda have difference. The official language used in Rwanda is Kinyarwanda, French and English and the vernacular language is Swahili. On the other hand, Uganda has English and Swahili as official languages. The Vernacular languages of Uganda include Luganda, Luo, Ateso, Runyankore and Lusoga.

Coming to the currency, Shilling is commonly used in Uganda and Franc in Rwanda.


1. Rwanda got its independence from Belgium on July 1, 1962 and Uganda, which was a colony of the United Kingdom, got its independence on October 9, 1962.

2. Rwanda has slightly lower temperature than Uganda.

3. Rwanda is densely populated than Uganda.

4. Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups are seen in Rwanda. Bantu and Nilotic groups are more present in Uganda.

5. In area wise, Uganda has a larger area than Rwanda.

6. Uganda and Rwanda have difference in the official languages and the coins used.