Difference Between Broil and bake

Broil vs bake

Broil and bake are two different ways of cooking. Both these methods are in vogue for cooking food. It is quite known that the most common food product associated with bake is bread and broil is generally associated with meats.

Though you might have eaten both broil and bake foods, you may not have noticed much difference between the two foods. How is that one can differentiate between bake and boil? One of the main differences noticed is in the way of using heat in baking and broiling food. While Baking involves cooking the food by applying hot air from all surroundings, broiling uses the technique of infrared radiation to heat the food. Baking is cooking through dry heat using the technique of convection. But Broiling involves the use of radiation.

Baking means cooking the food from all sides ‘“ top, bottom and sides. In baking the food is immersed in a chamber of hot air, where there is always a flow of air from all directions. But broiling involves applying heat on the top part of the food only. In baking, heat is evenly distributed whereas in broiling strong heat is applied on the top part only. While baking involves indirect heating, broiling involves direct heating. In baking heat is supplied from the bottom and it gets evenly spread inside the oven.

When compared to the temperature of heat involved, broil uses a higher temperature than bakes. As such foods get cooked faster when broil method is used. Broiling means fast and baking means slow.

When foods are cooked by broil method, the outer portion will be more crispy and tender. But in a baked food, the whole food remains the same, from top to inside. For cooking foods that need a short cooking time, Broil method should be used more than bake method.

Well, broil involves only low energy consumption. Whereas, baking needs more energy.

1. Baking involves cooking the food by applying hot air from all surroundings. Broiling uses the technique of infrared radiation to heat the food.
2. Baking is cooking through dry heat using the technique of convection. But Broiling involves radiation.
3. Baking involves cooking the food from all sides — top bottom and sides.
4. Broiling involves applying heat on the top part of the food only.
5. foods get cooked faster when broil method is used.