Difference Between False Fruit and True Fruit

The key difference between false fruit and true fruit is that the false fruit develops from the floral parts other than the ovary wall while true fruit develops from the ovary wall.

Flowering plants or angiosperms produce fruits. Following the fertilization process, the ovary wall becomes the fruit. The fruit is edible in most plants. There are non – edible fruits as well. Based on the development, fruits can be two types namely false fruits and true fruits. False fruits arise from floral parts other than the ovary. Accessory fruit is another name uses for a false fruit. False fruits do not form from the ovary wall. In contrast, true fruits arise as a result of fertilization in which ovary wall converts into the fleshy fruit. The difference between false fruit and true fruit depict different adaptations and natural phenomena shown by different flowering plants.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is False Fruit
3. What is True Fruit
4. Similarities Between False Fruit and True Fruit
5. Side by Side Comparison – False Fruit vs True Fruit in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is False Fruit?

A false fruit also called as the accessory fruit or the spurious fruit is a fruit derived from the floral parts other than from the ovary. These parts include the peduncle, thalamus, fused perianth and the calyx. The classic example of a false fruit is the apple. The fleshy fruit part of the apple is the modified thalamus.

Figure 01: False Fruit

In addition, the fleshy parts of cucumber, pear and gourd are also false fruits developed from floral parts. Furthermore, jackfruit and pineapple are other examples of false fruits that develop from inflorescences.

What is True Fruit?

True fruits develop after the completion of the typical fertilization process in flowering plants. Upon completion of the fertilization process, the ovules become the seeds of the fruit, whereas the ovary converts into the fleshy fruit. As the process of true fertilization involves in the formation of the fruit, these fruits are called as true fruits. The examples of true fruits include cherries, mangoes and peaches. True fruits can be simple, aggregate or composite.

Figure 02: True Fruit

According to the type of plant and its habitat, there are different types of true fruits. They are

  • The true fruits with a fleshy fruit containing one or many seeds (mango).
  • True fruits with the leathery exterior (Kiwi fruit).
  • The rue fruits with hardened rind (watermelon).
  • True fruits with fleshy fruit and stone like centre (cherry).

What are the Similarities Between False Fruit and True Fruit?

  • False Fruit and True Fruit develop in angiosperms.
  • Both types of fruits have a fleshy part.
  • They are mostly edible fruits.
  • Both types of fruits contain different nutritional compositions.
  • They can be either eaten raw or cooked.

What is the Difference Between False Fruit and True Fruit?

Fruits can be either false fruit or true fruit. The difference between false fruit and true fruit relies on the floral part from which it derives. False fruits develop from the floral parts other than the ovary such as receptacle, perianth, calyx, etc. True fruits form from the ovary of the flower after fertilization.

The below infographic tabulates the difference between false fruit and true fruit.

Summary – False Fruit vs True Fruit

False fruits and True fruits are two types of fruits which develop from different parts of the flower of angiosperms. False fruits arise from floral parts but not from the ovary. On the other hand, true fruits arise from the fertilized ovary. The examples of false fruits are apple, gourd and pears. The examples of true fruits are mango, cherry and watermelon. This is the difference between false fruit and true fruit.