Difference Between GIF and JPEG

The JPEG and GIF digital image file formats are used in computers and related devices. Both Image file formats are extensively used in world wide web, and JPEG is also used in digital photography. JPEG and GIF produce images by the use of a bitmap, hence called raster graphics images. Producing images with a minimal file size is a key characteristic of both the image formats, which makes them suitable for use on the web.

More about JPEG

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, after the committee which developed it in the early 1990`s. It is a lossy compression method (a standard algorithm) which is basically a tradeoff between size and quality of the image. In lossy compression miniature details are neglected to minimize the storage size of the file. The JPEG compression algorithm is at best performance with photographs with realistic images with slight changes in tone and color. Its performance is relatively low with line graphics such as letters, logos and cartoons. JPEG supports 24-bit full color images.

Several JPEG versions exist in use with file extensions .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jif, .jfif, .jfi. The JFIF was the original standard released in 1992 and JPEG 2000 is the newer version of the standard which enables both lossy and lossless compression and uses ‘wavelets’ method and is capable of compressing images more than 20%. JPEG/Exif version is the most popular format used in digital imaging devices such as digital cameras and smart phones.

More about GIF

GIF stands for the Graphic Interchange Format. It was first introduced by the CompuServe in 1987 and an improved version in1989. Even though the GIF format was introduced more than two decades earlier, its portability makes it preferred image format to be used on the World Wide Web. The GIF is a lossless compression method using the LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) compression algorithm which compresses the image without a loss of quality. However, the format supports only 8-bit per pixel color scheme, which limits the color range to a color palette of 256 colors. This makes the GIF format suitable for line graphics, as it uses bold color images but unsuitable for images with continuous color and tone such as realistic images. GIF is also used in small animations and low resolution films. The GIF files have the file extension .GIF.


What is the difference between JPEG and GIF?

• JPEG is a lossy compression method, while GIF is a lossless compression method

• JPEG supports 24-bit full color images, while GIF supports only 8-bit color images

• JPEG minimizes the file size by losing the details of the image, while GIF uses its limited color details to compress the images.

• JPEG is suitable for realistic images while, GIF is suitable for line graphics.

• JPEG is used in digital cameras and image producing devices, but the low color availability prevents the use of GIF in such devices.

• GIF is used for small animations and low resolution images while, JPEG does not have animation capability