Difference Between Condenser Tumble Dryer and Vented Tumble Dryer

Condenser tumble dryer and vented tumble dryer use two different techniques in drying. A tumble dryer is a basic necessity for any home. In the market there are mainly two varieties of tumble dryers available, the vented ones and the condenser tumble dryers. If you have been using a vented tumble dryer for some time, you probably know its features and how to use it, but if you are making a purchase for the first time, it is better to understand the features of the two dryer types and the differences between the two so as to make a better choice depending upon your home and your own requirements. At the outset, it is clear from their nomenclature that a vented type would require a vent to outdoors whereas there is no such requirement with the condenser type dryer.

If you like to purchase a vent type tumbler dryer, you have to ensure the appliance is placed in a location in your home having vent to outside. Normally a grill is provided in one of the rooms such as kitchen, utility room or the garage where you can keep you new dryer. If there is no vent to outside in any of the rooms in your house, there is no need to feel disappointed as you can very well go ahead and buy a condenser type tumbler dryer which is equally effective.

Talking of differences between the two types of dryers, vented dryers have a pipe through which they expel hot damp air which is why they necessitate a vent in the place they are kept. In a condenser type dryer, this damp air is sent into a condensing chamber where hot steam hits a metal condenser which cools it down so that steam turns into water which is collected in a tank made of plastic. You need to empty this tank from time to time. However, there are latest versions where this tank is plumbed to the drain and the collected water automatically drains out without you even noticing it.

Now that you know the basic difference between the two dryer types, let us see what their individual pros and cons are.

• While vented tumble dryers are cheaper and considered more reliable, there can be a problem of condensation if a proper vent is not provided. Often it becomes difficult to push the vent pipe outside the window.

• On the other hand, while condenser type dryers may be expensive, they are easy to install and ideal for apartments with no vents. However, you may be required to carry out emptying of the condensed steam every now and then.

• To make a better and informed choice, it is prudent to have a close look at your house and your budget before buying a tumble dryer.