Difference Between European Union and Council of Europe

European Union and the Council of Europe are the two different yet harmonizing bodies established and developed with the common aim; a united and prospering Europe. Both of these European entities come with their particular sets of responsibilities and aims. There are specific sub bodies and institutions that work under these and present certain suggestions and applications not only for a better economic atmosphere but for the prevalence of democratic values and supremacy of human rights as well.

European Union

European Union is the political union and economic amalgamation of those twenty seven states that are located in Europe. European Union (EU) has implanted a set of laws and rules which get to be abided in all its member states be it regarding any economic system or the political one. There are two types of institutions working under European Union which happen to be both the independent and the intergovernmental controlled ones. European Commission, Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the European Council are some of the basic and prominent EU institutions. The population of EU is around five hundred million citizens, scattered in all the member states. According to certain laws for specific areas, carrying passport is not mandatory and free movement of certain services, goods along with the people is being allowed and common legislative norms are also held over there.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is the other European integrated organization with forty seven European member states. The Council of Europe puts specific emphasis on the democratic and human rights development with its main bodies like European court of human rights and European convention on human rights. Cultural cooperation and shared legal standards are also a distinction exhibited by this very international organization though the stress is upon the prevalence of the human rights awareness in all the member states with the population over 800 million.

European Union and the Council of Europe are two independent organizations being aimed towards the integration of the whole Europe and its consequent progress. Both of these come with their respective laws and make sure the application of these laws in the most convincing manner.