Difference Between PSP 2000 and PSP 3000

PSP 2000 and PSP 3000 are the two potable gaming devices, manufactured by the Sony, a renowned name in manufacturing Multimedia gadgets. PSP 2000 is not very old either, but PSP 3000 has been launched recently, after the few months of PSP 2000. The both look almost same, have similar functions, but PSP 3000 is an upgraded version, with better LCD screen quality.

PSP 2000

PlayStation Portable 2000 series or PSP 2000 was the achievement on behalf of Sony as it was much smaller and lighter than the other portable gaming devices available in the market. The most prominent features in this version of PSP are USB charging, external video output, which enables it to connect to TV and enhanced memory, which facilitates better working during load times. Its width is 6.7 inches, height is 2.9 Inches and depth is 0.63 inches, where as it weighs 6.7 oz. It comes in black color. A universal Media Disc has been used in it, and its processor is 333 MHz. RAM installed in PSP 2000 is 64 MB. Display format of this gadget is 130, 560 Pixels and its resolution is 480 x 272. This play station has built-in speakers and stereo has been used as sound output. One rechargeable battery is also included in the package.

PSP 3000

PlayStation Portable 3000 series or PSP 3000 looks like the PSP 2000, as it has almost same specifications. Its width, height and weight are same, as we have seen in PSP 2000, yet it is an upgraded version. According to manufacturers, the LCD of PSP 3000 has five times better contrast ratio and response time is improved than the previous model. The built in microphones is a new feature in this device. The performance of PSP 3000 is much better, when it is used outside the home or covered area, as screen does not reflect the light, as it was in previous models. Color space settings are also offered in this model, as user can switch between Normal and wide setting. In Normal mode, picture looks slightly brighter, as it was in PSP 2000, where as in wide mode, colors are rich and contrast is higher, picture does not look bright, but it looks better and sharper.

Differences and Similarities

PSP 2000 and PSP 3000 look same, as most of the specifications are identical. Major differences between these two multimedia devices is their LCD, which is better in PSP 3000 and the inbuilt microphone is an added feature in PSP 3000. The slim and light play stations of Sony, have all the qualities of laptop, and easy to carry. Picture quality is better in PSP 3000, as promised by the manufacturers, and picture appears brighter and sharper in this model.


Both Play stations are better than their counterpart available in the market, but PSP 3000 is an enhanced version, which offers better picture quality. Both appear exactly same, but difference is few specifications like picture quality and microphones, make PSP 3000 a better choice.