Difference Between Ecommerce and Ebusiness

In today’s technically developed world, most of us use the internet for a variety of things, which include the purchase of goods and services and conduct business on the internet. Ecommerce and E business are both ways of conducting business online and, therefore, quite similar to each other. The terms Ecommerce and E business are also usually confused to mean the same thing, even though there are quite a number of differences between the two. The following article provides a clear explanation of what each term means and provides a clear distinction between Ecommerce and E business.

What is E-business?

E-business refers to the use of technology, the internet, and computers to conduct business online. E-business in other words is all about running a normal business, and the only difference is that an E-business is run over the internet as opposed to the normal physical businesses we see all the time. An E-business will use the internet for a variety of day to day operations including purchasing materials and supplies, sell manufactured products or provide services online. Since most, if not all, components of an E-business is online, the internet acts as a platform for all operations. Clients can meet the technical support personnel online if they have any issues, and can keep in touch with their customers and employees through emails. It is also essential for an E-business to form their own website as the company website will act as the face of their presence on the internet, through which most business activity will occur.

What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce is very much centered towards selling goods and services online, and it does not involve so much in the other business operations that are carried out. Online selling is very popular in today’s highly technical marketplace and a number of Ecommerce play in this space. Ebay is a very popular online auction website that allows users to pick any merchandize and place bids, and goods are paid for online and shipped to the buyer. There are also a number of traditional retail stores that have ventured into this online selling business. Companies such as Walmart have their online store in which customers can purchase and pay for goods online. Ecommerce is also very popular among retailers since it is much cheaper as a physical store does not need to be maintained when selling goods online which can also cut on utilities, employment and other costs inherent to a physically established business.

Ecommerce vs E-business

As you may have already understood from the article, Ecommerce and E-business are very similar to each other. However, e commerce is considered to be a part of E-business practices as selling goods online is a part of E-business activity. The major similarity between the two is that they both require an established presence on the internet. The main difference, however, lies in the way that they do business. An E-business usually encourages a lot of user/customer interaction with the business and with other users, whereas Ecommerce also encourages interaction, but this is more around the products and services that are sold.


What is the difference between Ecommerce and E-business?

• Ecommerce and E-business are both ways of conducting business online and, therefore, are quite similar to each other. These terms are also usually confused to mean the same thing, even though there are quite a number of differences between the two.

• E-business refers to the use of technology, the internet and computers to conduct business online. Ecommerce is very much centered towards selling goods and services online, and it does not involve so much in the other business operations that are carried out.

• The major similarity between the two is that they both require an established presence on the internet. The main difference, however, lies in the way that they do business.