Difference Between Instant and Active Dry Yeast

Yeast is an important ingredient that is used in making breads all over the world. It is actually a very small single celled microorganism that has been around us in plants, air, and soil. This microorganism plays a crucial part in a process called fermentation that allows for bread making. Yeast, when added in bread making process, eats up sugar in flour and produces carbon dioxide that is the reason for rising of bread. There are two varieties of yeast mainly used for making bread. These are called active dry yeast and instant yeast. Some people remain confused between these two varieties because they are both equally good in making bread. This article attempts to differentiate between these two varieties of yeast, to help people to make use of the more suitable variety.

Instant Yeast

This is a kind of yeast that is also known as rapid rise, bread machine yeast, and also quick rise yeast. Available in the market in granulated from; instant yeast is ground finely to make it able to absorb water much more quickly and thus acting on the sugar of the flour in a very fast manner. The instant yeast works right out of the packing and can be added to make the bread rise instantly. Instant yeast packing has all live yeast, and there is no loss of working yeast during packing and selling yeast. Instant yeast needs no preparation and starts to show results as soon as it is mixed with dough.

Active Dry Yeast

Active dry yeast is a little less potent than instant yeast, and the dough does not rise as fast as it does with instant yeast. However, there is one more difference and that is the need to make this yeast variety ready to work with dough. It has to be hydrated in warm water for some time to prepare it for its work in the dough. If you are making use of dry active yeast and fail to prepare it well in advance, you may be disappointed with the results of the yeast. Once made ready, active dry yeast works just as well as instant yeast.

Instant Yeast vs Active Dry Yeast

• Instant yeast is so called because it can be used straight out of the packet and added to the dry ingredients in dough.

• Instant yeast, also called rapid rise yeast, is considered more potent than active dry yeast and makes the bread rise much faster than is the case with active dry yeast

• Active dry yeast has to be prepared for its work as it needs to be hydrated in warm water for some time

• Once active dry yeast has been made ready, it works just as well as instant yeast. However, failure to prepare active dry yeast can bring in disappointing results in the bread making process.