Difference Between Soya Protein and Whey Protein

Protein supplements are needed when one is undergoing bodybuilding, though both types of proteins are used by people through various food sources for general well being and to maintain health. Whey protein has traditionally been considered by many to be far superior to other sources of protein when it comes to helping people involved with bodybuilding. However, of late there has been a lot of talk about soya protein, and it has proved to be equally effective in meeting the nutritional needs of people trying to build muscles. This article attempts to highlight the features of both whey protein and soya protein to enable readers to choose either of the two that meets their health requirements in a better way.

To begin with, whey comes from milk, and is milk by product. On the other hand, soy protein comes from soybeans. It is really difficult to say with certainty which of the two proteins is superior as both are processed to get a high level of protein used in bodybuilding. Both are high quality proteins and have beneficial effects on human body if taken in moderation and according to recommendations of a dietician in a gym. It is a known fact that taking high proteins before indulging in bodybuilding everyday enhances the effects of exercises. However, there are differences between these two high proteins that need to be highlighted.

Biological Value (BV) is one factor that differentiates between whey and soy proteins. It is a measure of amount of nitrogen retained by the body upon consumption of protein in comparison to amount of protein consumed. Soy protein has a BV of 74, whereas whey protein has a BV of 104 which means that whey protein is ahead of soy protein when it comes to BV.

Net Protein Utilization (NPU) is a measure of protein used by the body to the amount of protein consumed. It is expressed as a percentage and ranges from 0 to 100. Soy protein has a NPU of 61, whereas whey protein has a NPU equal to 92 which implies that whey protein wins against soy protein as far as NPU is concerned.

Glutamine is one non essential amino acid that transports nitrogen to body tissues. It also increase muscle cell volume. This implies that those needing to build muscles must take glutamine in 2-3 times of daily intake. Soy protein contains 10.5g/100 g of protein, whereas whey protein contains just 4.9g of glutamine per 100g of protein. This implies that on this count, soy protein is far ahead of whey protein.

Arginine is another non essential amino acid that is very important during body building as it wards off both mental as well as physical fatigue. It also helps in muscle growth. Soy protein contains 7.6g Arginine /100g of protein, whereas whey protein contains only 2.9g per 100 gram of protein.


It is clear then that both whey and soy proteins have their unique features, and have distinct characteristics though being equally beneficial for our health. On some counts, it is whey protein that is ahead of soy protein, while there are some points where soy proteins win against whey protein.