Difference Between Music and Song

Music is a creation of god and a form of art for human beings, which is not just soothing and relaxing, it is a way of life for many of us. It is an art form that is pure joy for us. A Good quality music refreshes and recharges our minds and gives us self copnfidence. Music even has healing powers and relieves stress from our daily lives. But, music can be without words like a solo performance on a musical instrument also. However, most of us are more familiar with music in the form of songs sung by celebrities from the world of music. Songs without music are also referred to as lyrics in the music industry, but to sing out loud, lyrics need the support of music, whether it comes through musical instruments or a person sings in tune and rhythm. Though, both a song and a composition without lyrics are forms of music, all of us have our preferences where most love to hear songs. There are some though, who are mesmerized by pure music without words. But what are the differences between music and a song. Let us take a closer look.

The early man did not know about music yet he heard it in the whispering of air and leaves of trees, singing of birds, falling of water in a water fall, and so on. It is hard to tell if music came first or is what lyrics of a song or poetry that was produced first. The sacred chant of Ohm in Hindus and Shlokas in Buddhism appear to be amazingly musical without any music incorporated. The music as various cultures know and practice today is ancient. It involves producing sounds that are in rhythm and are melodious. Whether music is produced using musical instruments (whether percussion or string) or is vocal sung by a person doesn’t make a difference as it is rhythmical and has a soothing and relaxing effect on our minds. To call a composition when it is rendered by musical instrument, as music, and not to refer as music, a song or poetry sung in a rhythm by an individual does not make sense though this is how many people feel. Isn’t a lullaby sung by a mother to her child without any music, music? Similarly the tap of fingers or feet on an object that produces lyrical sound is also a kind of music.

What is the difference between Music and Song?

– Thus, any composition whether or not accompanied by instruments is referred to as music, if it is in rhythm and appears melodious to ears.

– A song is usually referred to as lyrics when it is on paper, but becomes music when sung by an individual. However, any piece of composition, when played on a musical instrument is also music.

– A song is merely poetry when it is rendered as if reading a text without any rhythm, but becomes music when set to a tune and sung accordingly.