Difference Between Emo and Trendy Styles

Emo and trendy styles have unfolded to be among the most vivid expressions of character and personality in the modern society. Through styling, many individuals do not only achieve a sense of self-gratification but likewise realize the convenience of being identified by the way they dress and the manner they behave.

Emo Style

Emo style has gone from being a subtle expression of individuality to a trend that is all about bold-rimmed eyes, pale-palor look, slim-fit jeans, body piercing, black wrist-bands and studded belts. Stereotyped as being highly-emotional, angst ridden and severely introvert, individuals belonging to the emo subculture have successfully collaborated music and fashion and have made their preference in style their ultimate signature.

Trendy Style

Trendy style, perhaps, has become of the most erratic facets in today’s world. Leaning towards the propensity of adapting up-to-the-minute guise, this type of fashion is not a distinct expression of one’s individuality but instead a conscious imbuement of what celebrities consider as “fab”. Hopping into the bandwagon of rapidly changing hairstyles, clothing patterns and accessory designs, individuals submitting into this variety of style belong to the typical race of fanatics.

Difference between Emo and Trendy Styles

Whether or not we are cognizant of the influences that shaped up the nature of fashion that we choose to reflect is not a question; it is more of the confidence we exude as we sport up a style. Emo style breathes the art of combining looks, attitude, and music; trendy style is all about contemporary and timely fad. Eventually, emo styling remained as an attempt to assert individual uniqueness, sticking with a culture that best defines their ideals and elucidates their beliefs. Trendy style conversely is of lighter nature, and exists solely for the purpose of fashion fancy.

There absolutely is no need to typecast people because on their choice of style and the mode they compose themselves. But for individuals who exhibit a guise blatant enough to impossibly be unnoticed, they might just want to be treated otherwise!

In brief:

• Emo style breathes the art of combining looks, attitude, and music; trendy style is all about contemporary and timely fad.

• Emo styling is an attempt to assert individual uniqueness, sticking with a culture that best defines their ideals and elucidates their beliefs; conversely, trendy style is of lighter nature, and exists solely for the purpose of fashion fancy.