Difference Between Blackberry and Mulberry

Blackberry and Mulberry are two small fruits that are almost identical to each other but strictly speaking you can point out some differences between them.

One of the main differences between blackberry and mulberry is that blackberry is a perennial plant whereas mulberry is a deciduous tree. Blackberry is largely seen in South America whereas mulberry is mostly found in Europe, parts of Asia and Africa.

The two fruits differ in terms of their families and genus too. Mulberry belongs to moraceae family whereas blackberry belongs to rosaceae family. Mulberry is from the genus of morus whereas blackberry is from the genus of rubus. This is also an important difference between the two fruits.

The tree of blackberry is characterized by the presence of thorns whereas the tree of mulberry is characterized by the absence of thorns. The two fruits differ from each other when it comes to their color too.

It is interesting to note that blackberry fruits are dark black in their appearance. On the other hand mulberry fruits are dark purple in their appearance. These two types of fruits differ in their size too. You would find that mulberry fruits are larger than blackberry fruits.

It is important to note that blackberry and mulberry differ in terms of shape as well. As a matter of fact mulberry is oval in shape. On the other hand blackberry is almost round in its shape. Mulberry fruits cause their stain to stick to your mouth and clothes you wear. That is why you have to safeguard your white shirt while eating mulberry fruits. The same is not true with regard to blackberry fruits.

As a matter of fact both mulberry and blackberry fruits abound in nutritional value. There is an abundance of magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin K and potassium in both the fruits and are great anti-oxidants too.

On the other hand both the fruits are low in fat content and cholesterol. This is the primary reason why blackberry and mulberry fruits are preferred to many other fruits and are recommended in diet too. Mulberry comes with the stem whereas blackberry does not come with the stem.