Difference Between Hip Hop and Punk

Hip Hop and Punk music are gaining more and more popularity as of today, especially from the teenagers, due to its seemingly cool and unique attitude. Both of these genres have thought-provoking lyrics in which the themes are usually political, social, and economical.

Hip Hop

Hip Hop music is sometimes a combination of different elements like beatboxing, rapping, and DJ’ing. The main reason why Hip hop is very popular amongst the youth is that in Hip hop, there are set of rules that tell you to do this and don’t do that. In Hip hop, you are free to express yourself by adding music on your words.


Punk music, or widely known as Punk Rock, is developed from rock music around 1974-76 in UK and in US. Just like rock music, punk rock utilizes heavy drums, electric guitars and bass. The lyrics of punk songs are very sharp and usually have deep meaning. Also, the motives of their song are so political that tells about the suffering of the society because of the government.

Difference between Hip Hop and Punk

In Hip hop music, the songs are typically expressing oneself, that of the composer or the singer. But in Punk music it’s different; usually the songs in punk rock are expressing the anger of people sharing the misfortune done by the government. Not being biased or something, sometimes hip hop music like rapping tends to create meaningless songs for the sake of expressing oneself. But in punk rock, their songs dwell in specific theme, like no to nuclear warfare, and tell the people the things that are hidden from their naked eyes.

No matter what genre your preference belongs, as long as you are not doing anything that is against human nature, then, for the greater good, please suit yourself to that genre. Use your musical genre and your music talents and skill to express and not to impress.

In brief:

• Hip hop is typically expressing oneself while punk rock is expressing the sentiments of the majority of the people.

• Hip hop music uses different elements like DJ’ing, rapping and beatboxing whereas punk music utilizes the power of electric guitar, heavy drums, and bass.