Difference Between Latte and Mocha

Latte and Mocha show a good difference between them when it comes to taste, nature, and properties. It should be noted that Latte and Mocha are two varieties of coffee that have become extremely popular these days. It is true that latte and mocha are almost undistinguishable for those who do not love coffee due to the similar nature of the two types. On the other hand, a connoisseur of coffee can easily point out the difference between the two types of beverage. So, let us see how a latte is different from a mocha and if they have something in similar.

What is Latte?

A Latte is nothing but an espresso and steamed milk served with a small layer of milk froth on top. When a trained barista (it is the name of the coffee server) pours latte from a jug, he can create artwork on the top of your latte, which looks really mesmerizing. Being Italian in origin, Latte is different from black coffee, which is prepared without milk. The terminology used in connection with latte is café latte. On the other hand, café latte is to be understood as coffee and milk. How did this name come into being? Well, milk is called latte in Italian, and it is thus, espresso mixed with milk. In fact, it would be better to call latte ‘café latte’, as it is a mixture of coffee and milk.

In other words, it can be said that milk is regarded as one of the chief ingredients in the preparation of latte. When you look at a prepared latte, it is quite common to find thin milky foam tops on the latte preparations. For latte, espresso, a special blend of coffee, is the base mix as you add steamed milk to espresso and finish it with milk froth on top, to make a cup of latte. Also, latte does not make use of any kind of chocolate as its ingredients.

What is Mocha?

Mocha is essentially a latte made with semi-sweet chocolate topped with whipped cream. That means apart from the espresso and steamed milk, mocha uses a specific kind of chocolate for the extra flavor. The terminology used in connection with mocha is café mocha. Café mocha is to be taken as coffee and chocolate. In other words, it can be said that chocolate is regarded as one of the chief ingredients in the preparation of mocha. It is very usual to find whipped cream atop the mocha preparations. These whipped creams are of different flavors, and the most important flavor being the chocolate flavor. It is interesting to note that, when it comes to mocha, latte is the base mix just like the base mix of vanilla when it comes to ice cream. All you have to do is add chocolate to it to make café mocha.

What is the difference between Latte and Mocha?

• Latte is prepared with espresso by adding steamed milk from top and finishing with a layer of milk froth on top.

• Mocha is essentially a latte made with semi-sweet chocolate topped with whipped cream.

• One of the most important differences between latte and mocha is that mocha uses a specific kind of chocolate for the extra flavor. Latte does not use chocolate.

• The terminology used in connection with latte and mocha are different too. The two different terms used are café mocha and café latte.

• You can find whipped cream atop the mocha preparation while you will find milky foam on the top of the latte preparation.

• Espresso is the base mix for latte and latte is the base mix for mocha.


Images Courtesy: 

  1. Mocha by Ernst Vikne (CC BY-SA 2.0)