Difference Between Excursion and Expedition

Excursion and expedition both refer to a trip or journey. However, these two words cannot be used as synonyms since there is a difference in their meaning.  The key difference between excursion and expedition is their purpose and duration; an excursion is a short journey for pleasure whereas an expedition is a longer journey that is undertaken for a specific purpose such as research or exploration.

What is an Expedition?

An expedition is a journey undertaken for a particular reason. Expedition is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as

“A journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war”.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as

“An outing undertaken with a definite objective”.

As these two definitions imply, expedition always refers to a journey with a specific purpose. It can sometimes also refer to an arduous or hazardous one, which is planned extensively. For example, an expedition to the South Pole can be an arduous journey, which needs to be well-planned. Read the following sentences to understand the meaning of expedition in different contexts.

The young scientist is excited to go on his first expedition to the South Pole where he’ll be studying the weather patterns.

The kingdom was thrown into chaos when the crown prince was killed on a hunting expedition.

Such an arderous expedition requires enormous bravery and courage.

In the past ten years, there have been six research expeditions to that area.

The team of researchers is organizing a research expedition into the heart of the Sahara desert. 

What is an Excursion?

An excursion is a short trip for pleasure. Excursion is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as

“a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity”.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as

“usually short journey made for pleasure; an outing”.

Thus, the purpose and the duration are the main features that make excursion different from an expedition. The following sentences will help to clarify the meaning and usage of this word.

I went on a brief excursion to the beach with my friends. 

We have gone on outings and short excursions before, but this time we didn’t know how long we would have to stay out of town.

Mariam and her children went on a short excursion to Paris; they only spent one night there.

The teacher announced that their excursion would be called off if they didn’t behave well.

Some of us are going on an excursion to beach this weekend; why don’t you join us?

What is the difference between Excursion and Expedition?


Excursion: An excursion is a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity

Excursion: An expedition is a journey undertaken for a specific purpose.


Excursion: An excursion is a journey made for pleasure, or as a leisure time activity.

Expedition: An expedition has a specific purpose such as research, exploration, etc.


Excursion: An excursion is typically brief; it may end in few hours.

Expedition: An expedition takes a longer time period than an excursion; it may take several days, weeks, months, or even years.


Excursion: An excursion is not a difficult or arduous journey.

Expedition: An expedition may be an arduous or hazardous journey.


Excursion: An excursion doesn’t need detailed planning.

Expedition: An expedition is usually extensively planned.

 Image Courtesy:

“The expedition to the North Pole. “In search of new information about the rocks.” March 20, 2015. 04″ By Graytreees – Own work                 (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia

“Family enjoys a perfect day at the beach” By Hillebrand Steve, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia