Difference Between Step Brother and Half Brother

In the institution of marriage, offspring is referred to siblings or brothers and sisters. As long as offspring are from same parents, they are called real brothers and sisters. In fact, the word real is used these days only because of dilution of this institution and divorces taking place. There is also separation of spouses because of unfortunate death of husband and wife forcing the spouse alive to marry again. When a divorcee or a widow marries another man and produces his offspring, her earlier children and these children are still siblings. However, they are called half siblings. The concept of half brothers and stepbrothers confuse many. This article attempts to find out differences between stepbrother and half brother for the readers.

Half Brother

History is replete with examples of famous half brothers from royal families and unfortunate incidents of treachery and even murders to remove a half sibling to capture the throne. However, this article does not intend to go into rivalries of step brothers. There can be half brothers in two ways. One is where father marries another woman and produces children from both women. Male offspring from different women is called stepbrother. Similarly, if a woman has sons from a husband whom she divorces (or dies) and then produces sons from another man, boys produced by different men are stepbrothers. A main characteristic of half brothers is that they share one biological parent.


Stepbrother is not biologically related. This happens when a man marries a woman who has off spring from a previous husband and the man also has offspring from a previous woman. The male offspring from man and woman produced by different spouses are now forced to live as a single family though they have no blood relation, and they do not have a shared parent either. Male siblings in such a family are called stepbrothers.


What is the difference between Stepbrother and Half Brother?

• Siblings can be real or full and half or step. Whatever the nature of relationship, siblings have an emotional bonding that develops because of growing together in a family.

• Half brothers share either mother or father and are thus biologically related.

• Stepbrothers are not related biologically as they come together in a family because of marriage of a man with sons and a woman with sons from previous marriages.

• Being unrelated, step siblings can marry, while half brother cannot marry his half sister.