Difference Between Eczema and Rosacea (With Table)

A rash in the skin or associated redness can mean much more than acne. Two of the common causes of redness and bumps on the skin that are chronic but not acute are eczema and rosacea. They may look similar but have very different diagnostic characters as well as treatments.

Eczema vs Rosacea

The main difference between eczema and rosacea is that eczema refers to a category of rash-like disease with itching while rosacea is characterized by redness of the skin, rashes may or may not be a definitive characteristic of rosacea.  However, both of them may be confused with when these red bumps occur on the skin.

Eczema is the commonly used term for any kind of skin disease characterized by dryness and itching leading to rash-like conditions. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. This is a chronic disease with no cure and only can be managed by taking care of the symptoms.

Rosacea is a commonly used medical term for skin flushing. This is a skin condition characterized by redness of the face and visible blood vessels in these areas caused by hypersensitivity to different environmental or chemical factors. It is not communicable, and also it is not a hygiene problem.

Comparison Table Between Eczema and Rosacea

Parameters of Comparison



Also Called

Eczema is a commonly used term for a subtype of dermatitis called atopic dermatitis.

Rosacea is a commonly used medical term for skin flushing.

Common Symptoms

Eczema is characterized by rash-like conditions with itching.

Rosacea is characterized by the formation of red skin with visible blood vessels underneath.

Common In

Eczema is commonly found in young children.

Rosacea is commonly found in people over 30.

Commonly Affected Area

Eczema is caused in regions where the skin folds like elbows, knees, ears, neck, and the likes.

Rosacea is caused mainly in the facial region.


Management of symptoms by anti-histamines or corticosteroids is suggested.

Management of symptoms with vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, and avoidance is suggested.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a commonly used term for dermatitis. It is characterized by swelling, rashes, blisters on the surface of the skin affecting the epidermal layer and subsequently causing itching and painful sensations. Eczema can be of various types and can have a wide range of causes both physical and genetic.

The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease. It lasts for a very long period and usually starts at a young age but any person from any age group can get atopic dermatitis or eczema. Proper skin hygiene practices are advised to avoid eczema or atopic dermatitis.

Symptoms of eczema or atopic dermatitis are itchy dry skin. However, conditions are worsened if scratched. Swelling, redness, oozing of white fluid, formation of blisters, and the likes can follow. The only method to manage the disease is to apply corticosteroids ointments or other anti-inflammatory ointments as prescribed by the doctor.

It is not contagious and may or may not be genetic. However, there is no definite cure for it. The symptoms can only be managed. Another feature of this disease is the alternate conditions of itchy periods called flares and reduced better skin conditions called remissions.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea as the name suggests is a skin condition characterized by redness of the skin to the extent that it is often called flushing or blushing. It affects the facial area specifically around the nose and cheeks. This flushing can also be accompanied by red bumps which may give it a similar appearance to eczema.

However, it does have some distinct features such as redness only in very localized areas, visible blood veins or capillaries from under the skin, eye redness, or even an enlarged nose. People suffering from rosacea also get dry itchy eyes, a condition called ocular rosacea. Another type of rosacea called rhinophyma causes the skin around the nose to flare up making it look bigger.

Rosacea however is not contagious. It can be caused due to a wide variety of reasons which can be physical, chemical, environmental, or hereditary. In all cases, rosacea is never caused due to poor hygiene issues, unlike eczema.

Rosacea is more common in adults above the age of 30. The common treatments available are again only management. This skin condition is also not curable and only symptoms can be managed by using only approved beauty products, avoiding any stimulant like sunlight, alcohol, or the likes.

Main Differences Between Eczema and Rosacea

  1. Eczema is caused in multiple regions of the body but, rosacea is confined to only the face.
  2. Eczema is a chronic disease. Once occurred it stays for long periods ranging years while rosacea may be managed to improve conditions in a shorter span.
  3. Eczema causes itching with no burning sensation while rosacea can cause burning sensations in the flushed regions.
  4. Eczema is never accompanied by rhinophyma but, rhinophyma is caused when rosacea becomes severe. This is a condition in which the skin around the nose is affected to make it look redder and bigger.
  5. Eczema may be caused due to poor hygiene but rosacea is not caused by poor hygiene.


Any form of skin condition is bound to cause discomfort in patients. It is necessary to know about the different kinds of skin conditions before assuming that any symptom may be simple pimples or allergies.

Both eczema and rosacea are easily diagnosed by doctors with physical examinations. Since both have no cure, it is suggested to the general mas to always take precautions and avoid any form of known allergen or causative agent. If diagnosed proper care must be taken to reduce and control the symptoms. Since both the disease are non-contagious one does not have to worry about infections.


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bjd.13662
  2. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/555659