Difference Between Anxiety and ADHD (With Table)

These are common terms that are used in relation to an individual’s mental state. Although easy to be confused with, anxiety and ADHD, which is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder range in two different standards altogether. While every individual grapples with anxiety, ADHD is a more severe and sensitive issue that requires medical attention.

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Main Differences Between Anxiety and ADHD

  1. The major causes of anxiety includes fear, stress, worry, or similar emotions faced by an individual. An inability to stay focused or concentrated despite the absence of negative thoughts, is termed as ADHD.
  2. Anxiety occurs at specific times; the frequency depends on the individual. ADHD is a continuing condition that can last for decades in an individual’s life.
  3. The physical symptoms of anxiety are digestive dysfunction, bruxism, exhaustion, restlessness, headaches, and trembles. Exhaustion, faulty sleeping routine, restlessness, etc. can be considered as symptoms faced by people who have ADHD
  4. The psychological effects of anxiety are introversion, clinginess, racing thoughts, lack of punctuality, irritable. People with ADHD are troubled with difficulties regarding inattention, distracted easily, impulsive, forgetful, and hyperactivity.
  5. Every individual grapples with anxiety at some point, only the minority face anxiety disorders. ADHD is not that common and hence considered to be highly sensitive and severe.


The mental well-being of people, young and old alike, is usually disregarded due to ignorance. Several people face haunting problems that are caused due to proper care not being given to their psychological well-being.

Today’s modern world carries with it several wonderful, and breathtaking achievements and an equal share of horrifying difficulties.

Anxiety is caused due to fear, stress, worry, or similar emotions faced by an individual. ADHD refers to an inability to stay focused or concentrated despite the absence of negative thoughts.

They are common mental problems faced by people all around us. There are several telling symptoms that can be easily observed and due help should be given to those in need.


  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/108705479900300201
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00787-009-0041-8