Difference Between Ultram and Tramadol (With Table)

Painkillers or analgesics are given to patients suffering from unbearable pain. There are different varieties of pain killers. Depending on the type of pain felt by the patient doctors prescribe particular pain killer medications. The goal of pain killers is to ease the suffering of the patients and to increase their quality of life.

Ultram vs Tramadol

The main difference between Ultram and Tramadol is that Tramadol is the generic name of a painkiller but, Ultram is the brand name. The analgesic Tramadol is manufactured and sold under the brand name Ultram. Tramadol is an analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is sold in the name Ultram and other names also. But Ultram is quite common.

Ultram is the brand name of the pain killer doctors normally prescribe. The generic name of the compound present in Ultram is Tramadol HCl. Ultram is used alone or with other medications. It has not been proven to be safe for usage under 17 years. It causes some side effects.

Tramadol is an opioid pain killer used as a medication. It can be taken through pills or by injection. When taken by mouth it has immediate effect. The effect is shown within one hour of intake. As an injection, it can be taken by intravenous or intramuscular shots. The effect lasts for about 6 hours.

Comparison Table Between Ultram and Tramadol

Parameters of Comparison




Tramadol Hydrochloride and Paracetamol/ Acetaminophen



Ultram is the brand name of a painkiller containing Tramadol

Tramadol is the generic name of an analgesic.


Used to treat mild to moderate pain

Used as a painkiller

Side effects

Constipation, nausea, stomach pain, drowsiness, etc

Sleepiness, nervousness, headache, irritability, and mood swings

Produced by

Ortho McNeil Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Manufactured under many names by various brands

What is Ultram?

Ultram is the pain killer manufactured and marketed by Ortho McNeil Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Its composition is tramadol hydrochloride. It is used in pain management. It can be administered orally or by injections. It is available in the form of tablets and medicine. It is usually given along with paracetamol.

It is metabolized by liver-mediated demethylation. The metabolites are O-desmethyl tramadol and N-desmethyl tramadol. It acts within one hour and is excreted in the urine. It has some side effects. Side effects include itchiness, nausea, and constipation. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 17 years. It can be given for breastfeeding women but only at a small dosage.

Its action is on the central nervous system. Ultram is not given to people with breathing problems, blocks in the intestine, alcoholic, take sedatives or tranquilizers. Misusing Ultram can cause addiction, overdose, or even death. It can also have teratogenic effects on pregnant women.

Ultram has also caused seizures in some people. The risk of getting a seizure is high in people who have had a head injury, epilepsy, or any other metabolic disorder. People who are depressed and have suicidal thoughts should be not prescribed Ultram. It should not be taken with other opioid medicines. Intake of other opioids must be stopped once you start to intake Ultram.

What is Tramadol?

Tramadol is an opioid chemical used as a pain killer. It is marked under many names. Some of the common Tramadol painkillers are Ultram, Zytram, Qdolo, etc. The molecular formula of Tramadol is C16H25NO2. It had a melting point of 180 to 181 degrees Celsius. Tramadol taken using injection or pills is converted into desmetramadol. This desmetramadol has a stronger affinity to an opioid receptor. Tramadol also has serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor ability.

Tramadol was first marketed in the name Tramal in 1977 by a German pharmaceutical company. It was later accepted for use in the USA and UK. Now, Tramadol is a generic medicine marketed by many companies under many names. Tramadol has one by the tenth effect of the famous drug morphine. Tramadol is also prescribed by doctors as sleep medicine in some cases. Tramadol sometimes doesn’t provide efficient pain relief for people with a specific genetic condition.

Tramadol causes miscarriage in pregnant women. Though, there was no evidence to show the ill effects of tramadol on children breastfed by mothers taking tramadol. It is not generally advised for breastfeeding women. It is administered with caution for people with liver and kidney failure.

Tramadol overdose can lead to death. Naloxone is given to treat Tramadol overdose. However, treating Tramadol overdose with Naloxone can cause seizures.

Main Differences Between Ultram and Tramadol

  1. Tramadol is the generic name of a painkiller while Ultram is the brand name of a tramadol-containing painkiller.
  2. Ultram is the name of the Tramadol pain killer synthesized by Ortho McNeil Janssen Pharmaceuticals while, tramadol is available in many brand names like ConZip, Enova RX, etc.
  3. Tramadol is a single opioid chemical that is used as a generic medicine or as Tramadol HCl while, Ultram has other chemical compounds like ethylcellulose, dibutyl sebacate, sodium stearyl fumarate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and polyvinyl alcohol in addition to Tramadol.
  4. Both are analgesics and are used as painkillers. But, the opioid-like effect is provided by tramadol either individually or in the form of Ultram.
  5. Tramadol tablets sometimes have paracetamol but, Ultram has paracetamol or acetaminophen.


Tramadol is a widely used analgesic. It is given in many different brand names. But the effect is the same. Ultram is one of the brand names of Tramadol. Though, this painkiller has a beneficial effect on patients in pain it should not be overused. It may become an addiction and overusing it causes severe side effects. This is not also given to old people with respiratory and digestive disorders. Side effects like diarrhea, hallucination, nausea, tremor, vomiting, constipation, and insomnia are common.

Analgesics must be taken only under the prescription of a doctor. Doctors prescribe a particular dose of analgesic depending on the patient’s body and health condition. Only the prescribed amount should be taken an increase in this leads to overdose or side effects.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J069v25n02_08
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00498250110113230