Difference Between Grasshopper and Cricket (With Table)

There are so many insects in this world we have not even known about them. Some insects are very familiar with our habitat, and we often see them in our homes or our surroundings. Grasshopper can crickets are one of them. They are found in grasses and plants.

They both look very similar, and they both make sounds. Although they both have similar characteristics, they are very different from each other.

Grasshopper vs Cricket

The main difference between Grasshopper and Cricket is their behaviors and physical characteristics. Grasshoppers are bigger and can jump, hop and fly as well, which is not present in Cricket. Also, cricket is smaller, but they have a bigger antenna than Grasshoppers as they have a shorter one. They are part of similar order but have different suborders.

GrassHoppers are diurnal insects that are active in the day, and low plants and grasses are home to them. They hang out in open grassy lands. Being largely herbivores, there are present 8000 various types of species of Grasshoppers that eat grass, lant stem, flowers, etc. They lay their eggs in the ground and deposit them 1 to 2 inches deep in the hay or grassy lands.

Crickets are small insects just like Grasshoppers and belong to the same order but have different suborders. They are nocturnal insects are have very different behaviors. They made chirping sounds in the night to attract females. They are smaller than grasshoppers, but they have a very long pair of antennae present.

Comparison Table Between Grasshopper and Cricket

Parameters of Comparison




It belongs to suborder Caeliferans.

It belongs to the suborder Ensifera.


They are large insects and can also grow up to 4 inches.

They are comparatively small insects and can grow up to 2 inches.


They have a pair of antenna that is very short.

They have a pair of antenna that is very long.


They come in pale green to brown color and to hide from predators better.

They come in bright green color and many time gets camouflaged with the grasses. 


They are nocturnal and active at the night and can only jump.

They are active in the day and can hop, jump or fly.

What is Grasshopper?

Belonging to Orthoptera order and suborder Caeliferans, Grasshoppers are diurnal insects and thus are up in the daylight. They are slim-bodied and have short, segmented antennae. They are herbivores and thus found in grasses and plants. They also produce sounds, and they do so by rubbing the wings with the hind legs.

The little ears of the grasshoppers that are present in the base of the abdomen help them to catch the sound. There are at least 8000 species of the grasshopper’s species present. They are usually larger than crickets and can grow up to 3-4 inches. Apart from the green color, they also come in a wide range of colors such as pink, blues, reds, and oranges. They can sometimes be very harmful to the crops as they act like locusts and pests. They mostly lay eggs on the ground. They can fly, jump and hop.

What is Cricket?

Similar to Grasshoppers, Crickets are small insects that feed on plants and insects too. They belong to the same order as Grasshoppers, but they have a different suborder that is Ensifera. They have a very long pair of antennae. With a round head and cylindrical body, Crickets can grow up to 2 inches.

Producing a lot of chirping sounds at night to attract females, Crickets are nocturnal insects that are active during the night. The more the weather is warmer, the more they produce sounds. They produce sounds mainly by rubbing the bottom of one wing with the top of another wing. They lay their eggs in leaves or soil. They live in bushes, or plants, or grasses. They are present in almost every part of the world, and almost 900 species of crickets are present. They feed on plants but largely feed on ants and aphids.

Main Differences Between Grasshopper and Cricket

  1. Grasshoppers are bigger than Crickets and are up to 4 inches in size. In contrast to that, Crickets are smaller and can be up to 2 inches.
  2. Grasshoppers have shorter antennae, whereas Crickets have a bigger antenna.
  3. Grasshopper is mostly bright green color and also can be of different colors such as red and oranges whereas Crickets are generally of pale green or in brown color.
  4. Grasshoppers are active during the day, whereas Crickets are nocturnal insects and they are active during the nights.
  5. Grasshopper is found off at least 800 species, whereas 900 species of crickets are found.
  6. Grasshoppers feed mainly on the plant’s stem, grasses, flowers, etc., whereas Crickets feed on plants, insects, insects’ eggs, larvae, etc.
  7. Grasshoppers can act like pests sometimes and can destroy the crops when large in numbers, whereas Crickets do have not the same behavior, and they are not pests.
  8. Grasshoppers have little ears at the base of the abdomen, whereas Crickets have their little ears on the front legs.


Both insects are not harmful and found in normal habitats. Grasshoppers are in bright green colors mostly and are easily recognizable, whereas The color of the crickets that is pale green or brown, often makes them camouflage with the woods. Grasshoppers are herbivores, whereas Crickets are not, and they eat other insects also. They both are not very dangerous, but grasshoppers can have a population explosion and can act as pests that are not expected in crickets.

They have many similarities too, and they both belong to the same order. They both make sounds, but they do them in a different way. The main difference is all about their color, their behavior, and their size.


  1. https://openpub.fmach.it/handle/10449/37510
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00359-014-0946-7.pdf